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The sun was shining in the sky, and the atmosphere was filled with anticipation. Charles, Carlos, and the rest of the drivers were preparing in the pits, fine-tuning the last details on their cars and reviewing strategies. They were focused, mentally going over every curve and move they would have to make on the track. Carlos, dressed in his Ferrari racing suit and holding his helmet, looked incredibly hot.

The race began, and the cars accelerated quickly, their engines roaring with power. You had always loved the sound of it. Now, you were accompanying Charlotte in the Ferrari, supporting everyone but always favoring your brother.

Lewis Hamilton initially led the race, but Max Verstappen managed to take the lead. Carlos was battling for fifth place, while Charles was struggling in seventh. It seemed like a challenging race for both of them.

Lando was trying to overtake Pierre to secure some points, and he succeeded. Now, he was fighting against Charles to pass him, and he managed to do so. Pierre also managed to overtake your brother, and you started feeling nervous. Lando and Daniel seemed to be dancing on the track, closely following each other. Daniel was in seventh place, with Lando right behind him in eighth. To your surprise, Lando seized the seventh position.

In the end, Max won the race, followed by Lewis in second and Checo in third. It was a great race for Red Bull. Lando finished in fifth place, giving it his all. Carlos ended up in 11th place, and Charles in 16th. They wouldn't be very happy with their results. You were just happy they finished the race.

The podium celebration came to an end, you saw Carlos and Charles in their interviews, and you were waiting for them outside their rooms with Charlotte.

-Hey -You gave them a smile.

-Hey, difficult race. -Carlos said putting on his cap. -The race pace from lap 1 wasn't there

-There was no way to do anything better, the tyres were degrading very, very quickly, we just need to work hard.

-And you will. -Charlotte held his hand.

-Thank you for your support girls. -Carlos smiled.

That day you were heading back to Monaco, you had taken your belongings to the circuit to go straight to the airport. You said goodbye to the guys and grabbed your things, as you were leaving, you bumped into Pierre.

-Good race, Gasly. -You said approaching him.

-It wasn't, I'm a little disappointed but I think it was a strong race.

-Just keep pushing. -You smiled.

-Where are you going?

-I need to be in Mocaco, I have some meetings and then I'll catch up in Austria, but for the second race.

-I'll go with you.

-What? You're crazy.

-No, let's go, you owe me a date.

-Pierre, you don't even have your things here. -He leaned halfway into the car next to him and retrieved a suitcase.

-What do you mean 'no'? I'm ready, let's go.

You thought about it for a moment, but it would be fun to spend time with Pierre. It had been a long time since you were alone together. You didn't want to complicate things or let him get the wrong idea, but a little fun never hurt anyone.

You took a picture of him on the plane, he looked so adorable. You uploaded it to your Instagram story, tagging him, and added "going home" as the caption. When he received the notification, he shared it on his own story. Then, both of you put your phones on airplane mode and fell asleep, exhausted.

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