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-Where are you? Carlos is wondering were you are.

-Shit, I forgot to text you last night, are you together now?

-Yeah, even Lucía is here. -he said.

-Yeah, I met her last night.

-You should come! -Charles said. You heard music.

-Where are you? -you asked.

-We're at the pool of the hotel. -he said. -You know what? You should tell Alan too, I like him.

-Well, he's staying there too so...

-We'll see you here, okay?

Truth is you did forget to text Charles last night to make plans but you didn't want to see Carlos with Lucía, you wanted to distract yourself and now it wasn't going to be easy.

You put on a green bikini and an oversized shirt, it basically looked like a dress. You sent a DM to Alan saying you'll meet him at the pool and then you drove there. You walked to the pool. You saw Carlos and Lucía sitting on a lounge chair. He was rubbing sunscreen on her back. You froze and thought they were definitely together or something was going on between them, Carlos wasn't friendly just because. You turned around, determied to leave but Alan was standing there.

-I think you were headed this way. -he said grabbing you by the shoulders and turning you around.

-I was just leaving.

-C'mon! It's a perfect sunny day and I'm leaving tomorrow and I would like to spend my last day in Monaco with this beautiful girl. -he grabbed your hand. -Let's go.

You walked towards them, holding Alan's hand. Carlos looked at you and then at your hand, he raised an eyebrow.

-You made it! -Charlotte said approaching you and giving you a hug.

-Alan! My man! -Charles said.

-Charlotte, can we talk? -you asked her, you needed to say something or you felt you were going to explode.

-Of course. -she said and you walked away. -What's wrong?

-Do you know if Carlos and Lucía are together? -you asked, she sighed.

-It looks like it. I thought he wasn't going to be with anyone until you take him back but...

-I was going to tell him how I feel but now I won't.

-Oh, Y/n, I'm sorry. -she gave you a warm smile. -Hey, at least Alan's here, he is so into you, I can tell, just have fun, you don't have to date him but have fun and don't pay attention to Carlos.

-I need a drink. -you said and both of you returned to the others. -Is this some kind of event? -you asked pouring yourself a drink.

-Kind of, someone decided to throw a party so, we are here. -Charles replied to you. -Go easy.

-Shut up. -you said drinking all of your cup.

-Just don't black out again. -Charles rolled his eyes.

-What are you talking about? -Carlos asked.

-We went out, I drank a lot and that's it, I don't have a drinking problem, relax. -you poured yourself another drink. -I just like alcohol. -you smiled.

You were a little drunk and the sun was setting. You were sitting on a lounge chair, alone. Everyone was dancing in the pool and outside of it.

-Are you okay? -you felt a hand on your shoulder.

Brother's best friendTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon