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The following days went by with a mix of emotions and reflections. You spent time with Lando, enjoying his company and trying to maintain a positive attitude. However, deep inside, you felt the need to explore your feelings and make important decisions about your relationship. You didn't dare, it wasn't the right time yet, and you weren't ready to hurt him. He is too good for this world, too good for you.

The day came when they had to leave for France, and you were hesitant about whether to join them right away or catch up with them later in the weekend. Lando insisted that you go with them, and you agreed. 

The flight felt endless to you, although you chatted most of the time and slept, Charles and Lando played chess even though Lando was terrible at the game, Charlotte and you talked about your projects. You felt like you would never arrive. 

After almost 9 hours of flight, you had the need to stretch your legs and get some fresh air. You felt confined. Upon arrival, you went straight to the hotel. The week was filled with interviews and activities for the pilots, and you and Charlotte would accompany them to some of them while skipping others. You arrived at the hotel, helped them carry their suitcases to the room, and went inside. You and Lando ran towards the bed, falling onto it and laughing.

-What do you have planned for tomorrow? -You asked, leaning to the side and clasping your hands, placing them between your head and the pillow.

-Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow... In the morning, I have endurance training, followed by a weightlifting session. Basically, my morning will be dedicated to training. They will also be working on my car, so I need to attend to that. And we have a strategy meeting... No, wait, that's not tomorrow, I think it's the day after tomorrow. There are several interviews scheduled over the next few days, but the good thing is that some of them will be conducted over the phone or through Zoom. 

-It's going to be a hectic week for you. What would you like me to accompany you on? Anything except for the training. -You laughed.

-Anything you want! You can come with me and while I'm working, you can explore the track. I think Charlotte would like to go with you.

-Sure, but I'm not sure about the schedule for the Ferrari guys. I'll have to ask my brother to coordinate with Charlotte.

You and Lando decided to spend the rest of the afternoon in the room, seeking some much-needed relaxation and quality time together. You both settled onto the comfortable bed, leaning against the plush pillows. The room was filled with a peaceful silence, interrupted only by occasional laughter and whispered conversations between you two. The curtains gently swayed with the breeze, casting a gentle dance of shadows on the walls.

Lando reached for the remote control and turned on some soothing music, filling the air with melodic tunes. You closed your eyes, allowing the music to envelop you. There was a sense of intimacy and connection that deepened between you, creating a sanctuary within the four walls of the room.

As the sun began to set outside, casting a warm glow through the window, you texted Charles.

You: How's it going?

Charles: good! We're so tired.

You: same :( tomorrow you're going to the track?

Charles: Yeah, I think we have meetings and stuff, you?

You: I'll go with Lando, Charlotte's coming with you?

Charles: she is, I'll tell her you're coming too.

You: Thank you! See you tomorrow, sleep tight.

You woke up and noticed that Lando was no longer in bed. Sitting up, you rubbed your eyes and scanned the room. He was nowhere to be found. Wondering about the time, you reached for your phone and checked. It was already 10:30 am. Wow, it was quite late, and you realized that Lando must have been well into his training session by now. You unlocked your phone and happened to see a message from Lando that said, "Good morning, I went to train, didn't want to wake you up. See you later, love you." You replied to his message, locked your phone, and placed it back on the nightstand. Stretching, you decided to get out of bed and headed to the bathroom. You turned on the shower and, once it warmed up, stepped in. After showering, you grabbed your outfit from the suitcase, got dressed, and dried your hair while styling it. Applying a bit of foundation, mascara, highlighter, and lip gloss for a touch of shine, you put on your personalized collaboration cap. Walking over to the larger mirror in the room, you took a few photos of yourself. Choosing the four best ones, you created a layout of all four pictures on Instagram and added the French flag emoji in the middle. Tagging the brands of the cap and phone case, you posted the story.

You wanted to grab something to eat before heading to the track to meet up with Lando. If Charlotte responded, you would go down to the restaurant and have a meal with her. If not, you would order room service. You dialed Charlotte's number, and she answered on the second ring.

-Heyyy -You said.

-Hi Y/n! Where are you?

-I'm in my room, what about you? 

-Yeah, same, I'm actually finishing getting ready.

-Good! Wanna grab a bite downstairs?

-Yes, I'll meet you there. 

You went downstairs and met up with Charlotte. You had a quick lunch and headed to the circuit. You briefly parted ways, with her heading to Ferrari and you to McLaren. You ran into Zak Brown, who you've always gotten along with. He's a laid-back person, sometimes too laid-back. You greeted him, and he pointed you towards the resting area where Lando was. You knocked on the door, and he opened it.

-Hello! You made it.

-Of course, I came with Charlotte, I wanted to say hi. -You kissed him. -Hi.

-Hi -He looked into your eyes, looked at your lips and then smiled.

-I was wondering if you have any bicycles that I could use. We want to explore the track.

-Sure, give me a minute. -He went away for a moment and came back with a bicycle for you. He handed it over to you.

-Thanks! I'll see you later, if you finish earlier, text me, okay?

-I will, have fun!

You hopped on the bicycle and started pedaling. The gentle breeze brushed against your face, and the cap shielded you perfectly from the sun. You passed by all the team garages, and you were getting closer to the Ferrari garage. As you approached, you noticed they were working on one of the race cars. To your surprise, it had the number 55 on it. "fuck," you thought. You didn't want to run into Carlos, but it seemed inevitable. You hoped that Char would spot you and join you, but she wasn't around. You would have to find her yourself. You got off the bicycle and left it leaning against the ground. You wiped the sweat off your hands on your jeans, adjusted your cap, and gathered the courage to greet everyone, to greet him.

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