Chapter 123 - Prayers

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When the golden glazed-tiles pavilion was covered with heavy frost and snow, victory news from the northwest once again arrived at Wangdu — Wei Tang had breached Lucheng and most of Qinyang Pass that was lost were seized back.

Although there were no common people in the city while provisions were also burnt by the enemy, a large number of troops still needed to defend the city to prevent the enemy from coming back. Thus, Chu Zhenghe and Wei Tang could not provide assistance to Ye Huaili. As such, the battlefront pressure on Rao City where Ye Huaili was located increased drastically since the two other cities had not completely annihilated the enemies that converged there.

However, this was also within their expectation. The last to breach the city wall would surely have the most pressure. After much deliberation, this difficult task was given to Ye Huaili. Hence, the situation so far is still within his control.

Ye Huaiyang, who was far away in Wangdu naturally didn't know about their tactical allocation. When she thought about the converged forces in Rao City were almost double the number of Ye Huaili's men, her heart would palpitate and she hadn't slept well for the past several nights. So, she intended to go pray for Ye Huaili and the troops at Hu'guo Temple. After Chu Jinglan found out, he took time to accompany her.

As both of them have always been low-key and do not want to make a great deal out of it, they didn't inform others but simply changed their clothes and left the palace with their shadow guards.

Located on the outskirts of the city, Hu'guo Temple is surrounded by mountains and rivers with abundant burning joss sticks. Since it was now the end of the year, there was an endless stream of worshippers and was even livelier than the market. Chu Jinglan and Ye Huaiyang certainly do not need to jostle with the common people in the hall. There is a place solely for the imperial family to pray to Buddha where the abbot took them once they got off the carriage.

The temple is deep and serene, while the echoes of Sanskrit chanting drifted in pace with the faintly discernible vapor that slowly scattered to every corner, as if one was in the fairyland.

Ye Huaiyang has not been in good health since the birth of Chu Xiang, so she has not gone out for a long time. Coming out here today to devoutly worship the Buddha and enlightened by the eminent monk, she felt most of her listlessness had diminished and the inner anxiety had also calmed down a lot, which helped her a lot.

In the spacious and secluded Xuanwu Hall, the three golden Buddhas that stood tall on the birch-wood high platform were amiably kind in solemnity and imperceptibly soothed the restless hearts. Two orange-colored futons were placed below the incense burner altar where Chu Jinglan knelt next to Ye Huaiyang. He was watching her kowtowing and offering the burning joss sticks, praying sincerely then sitting quietly for a while before opening her eyes. As he usually has no inhibitions, he immediately turned his head and asked, "What did you request from Bodhisattva?"

Pursing her lips and smile, Ye Huaiyang whispered softly in his ear, "I asked for Elder Brother's safe return and for Xiang'er to grow up strong and sturdy."

It was an expected answer.

"Do you want to know what I asked for?" Chu Jinglan fixed his eyes on her, his scorching gaze was like a bright flame.

"Prosperity for the country and peace for the people, as well as great governance throughout the land?"

"Your Husband can do that, there's needless to ask God and worship the Buddha." Chu Jinglan smiled proudly while traces of tenderness flashed in the depths of his dark eyes, "I only hope that you will not be bothered by indisposition in the future and spend every day in good health."

Heart surging with bursts of warmth, Ye Huaiyang leaned her head on his shoulder and spoke softly, "I will."

For him and Xiang'er, she will get well by all possible means.

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