Chapter 76 - Plan

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That day Lu Heng spent the whole afternoon in Qiu Feng courtyard and only returned in the evening.

When Ye Huaiyang heard him say that Xie Yun's condition had somewhat relapsed, she immediately sent people to buy a lot of elixirs and drugs from the foot of the hill to be delivered to her. A few days later, she personally made a trip to Qiu Feng Courtyard.

Xie Miao was very courteous when he saw her. After all, Chu Jinglan saved him first while Ye Huaiyang sent the medicine later, which was much better compared to the dispassionate Xie family, that he felt extremely indebted to.

Ye Huaiyang exchanged a few words with him and went to see Xie Yun inside the room. As luck would have it, the patient just happened to be awake. Dressed in a dark blue loose silk dress, she was half-lying and half sitting leaning against the headboard of the bed. Although she appeared a little frail and weak, her complexion was not bad, thus both of them chatted for a while through the gauze curtain.

"Are your wounds all better?"

Ye Huaiyang could not help but banter with her, "Thanks to Lu Heng's medicine, it's no longer a problem. Come to speak of it, I used to look down on him. The famous highly skilled superior physician back then is really worthy of the name, ah."

The clear and moving watery eyes of Xie Yun unconsciously tinted with vividness while the whole person became spirited.

"He has always been this impressive. When the late emperor was still alive, he was the one who prescribed treatments to regulate the body."

"What about you?" Ye Huaiyang raised her brows with rather a hint of teasing, "These days the medication that you used and drank were all prepared by him personally, don't you feel even more at ease?"

Hearing that, Xie Yun smiled faintly but not as delighted as she would have imagined.

"That said, do you know, he came every day to deliver the medicine then left. I have not even seen him...actually, I also know that I should now be satisfied with this but I just can't control myself...."

Her head hung while her hands tightly twisted the silk handkerchief seemingly harboring an unspeakable sorrow. Ye Huaiyang looked at her silently when a wisp of ray flashed in her eyes and her hand gripped Xie Yun's all of a sudden.

"You should not be satisfied. The situation today was not caused by you, so why do you have to bear all this? You have to understand that the lock in Lu Heng's heart was not slipped on by you. To unlock it, you must go to the one who holds the key. It's useless to feel sorry for yourself here!"

Xie Yun instantly understood her meaning but she merely pulled up her dry lips and spoke with a bleak tone, "He is my paternal uncle, what can I do to him?"

Standing up suddenly, Ye Huaiyang's expression was harsh as flame scurried across the bottom of her eyes as if wishing iron could turn straight into steel.

[T/N: 恨铁不成钢 (Hèn tiě bùchéng gāng) – feels resentful towards somebody for failing to meet expectations / anxious for somebody to improve]

"Did he ever take you, his niece into consideration when he did those things? Making you serve Great Teacher Lu tea had turned you into the executioner, thereby getting rid of the flesh and blood in your belly and completely caused all the troubles between you and Lu Heng! How both of you ended like this today was single-handedly caused by him. Don't tell me you do not hate him?"

"I do hate him, but what can I do?" Xie Yun closed her eyes, two streaks of tears trickled down her face, "He claimed what he did was all for the Xie family and had indeed been significantly used by the Emperor. The elders and clansmen have taken all this in that they could not even praise him enough. Who would still remember me, the sacrificed chess piece?"

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