Chapter 4 - Ye Huaiyang

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After settling the score with Ye Huaiying the other day, an imperial edict from the Queen Mother arrived at Ye manor the next day summoning Ye Huaiyang to be presented at the palace for an audience. Yue'ya was about to dress her up, but instead she picked the most unremarkable short jacket skirt then simply pushed two begonia beads next to her ears and went out the door.

"Miss, aren't you a little too plain?" Yue'ya who was following closely behind asked.

"The plainer the better." Ye Huaiyang responded as she boarded the carriage. She leaned against the carriage's wall closing her eyes for a catnap while doing the planning in her mind without divulging a single word.

The two from the Eastern Palace probably shouldn't have any spare time to concern themselves with other matters since Chu Jinglan had just returned to the royal court but unexpectedly she was summoned to the palace, thus it was most likely they were aware of the matter at the flower feasting banquet. She would perhaps not be able to avoid getting reprimanded and if she was to dress up gorgeously, wouldn't she be adding oil to the fire?

She kneaded her gabella when she thought of it as her delicate face exuded a little frostiness..

Ye Huaiying was a little foolish yet there wasn't any scheming after all, instead she could be considered blunt as she would just throw herself directly to the person which she fancied but what was the matter with this King Lu? He shouldn't have used such strong words even if he felt disgusted which not only drove Ye Huaiying to ruin but even his own prestige would no way be good too? This was thoroughly odious!

Anyway, she would bear this debt in mind and slowly settled it with him when she had the chance.

No matter how intense the fire was burning in her heart, she had to restrain herself when entering the palace door and must act like nothing had happened to conceal this disgraceful affair, also not allowing others to look down on Ye family even a tiny bit as this was her responsibility being the head of the family.

The autumn wind was soughing across the sparsely droopy willow trees when the inner city of the Imperial Palace was right in front after crossing the crystal-clear city moat. The breathtaking golden bricks and green tiles roof was bedazzled, however Ye Huaiyang was not the least distracted by this astounding sight as she walked towards Hanzhang Palace. The eunuch guarding the door immediately bowed and gave way when he saw her then he raised his right hand to push the heavy palace door open.

"You are here, Miss Ye. This way please."

A peal of melodious voices and soft laughter was heard inside the palace as the vermillion red door was opened, Ye Huaiyang leaned aside to ask as she sluggishly walked in, "Are those Niang-niang here paying respects to the Queen Mother?"

The wrinkled eunuch responded with a distant smile, "No, those are the three young misses from the Wang, Xie and Bai who come to listen to the teachings of the Queen Mother."

Ye Huaiyang gazed fixedly without saying a word as she immediately lifted her foot and walked in with a sneer in her mind.

What teachings were there to listen to, the Queen Mother was simply trying to seize on this incident as a warning that included them as well as all the other prominent families in Wangdu to have them keep in mind not to secretly roping in influences! It seemed like she would have to rack her mind to get through this if she wished to leave here soundly today. With this in mind, she stood behind the peony screen taking a deep breath before treading her way to the centre of the palace.

"This subject pays her respect to the Queen Mother. Wishing the Queen Mother happiness and peacefulness"

The laughter in the palace ceased abruptly because of her as several gazes shot over. She instantly became the focal point perhaps due to her excessively plain clothing. A sneer could then be heard from the seat of honor and everyone knew the only one who dared to be so presumptuous in front of the Queen Mother was none other than Wang Wanting.

The Queen Mother who was sitting on the main seat gently moved her gaze away as she held up a teacup then whisked it before taking a sip with an unparalleled gracefulness and only spoke to Ye Huaiyang after her chagrin had dispersed, "Rise. Take a seat."

Ye Huaiyang made an obeisance with gratitude and immediately took a seat on the lower right armchair which was next to Xie family's eldest daughter, Xie Yun.

"I remember that younger sister loves strong colors. What's with such plain dressing today? From afar I've thought which insensible palace maid had forced her way in."

Wang Wanting covered her soft laugh as her golden buyao on her head quivered along which made her even more like an arrogant peacock. She had relied on her status as the niece of the Queen Mother to brazenly make trouble for Ye Huaiyang just to subdue her usual haughtiness.

Ye Huaiyang was calm without a waver as she raised her cherry lips and casually said, "I'm not as collected as elder sister. I always follow my own preferences without any scruples when I would like the new and hate the old, this is giving elder sister a good laugh."

"Is it? I must have a bad memory as elder sister naturally does have a candid personality." Wang Wanting tilted her lips as she lightly snorted with a contempt look.

As the war of words was undertaken, someone outside the palace arrived to pay a visit but those inside knew nothing about it.

The eunuch narrowed his eyes looking into the distance when his body instantly stretched taut and his previous flaunting his seniority composure which he imposed on Ye Huaiyang, immediately vanished. He got down on his knees for the salutation when the visitor drew closer, 'Nucai pays respect to Wangye."

Chu Jinglan didn't look at him or let him rise. Standing upright with eyes staring ahead as a low and deep voice escaped from his throat, "This King comes to pay the Queen Mother a formal visit."

The eunuch awkwardly stated, "The Queen Mother is admonishing a few noble ladies now. Would Wangye....."

"It's no bother. This King can wait."

His enunciation was distinct and decisive that no one seemed able to refute him after those few brief words were spoken. The eunuch had originally wanted to invite him to take a seat in the side hall for the time being but his eloquent mouth was somehow seemingly stuffed full with mud and no word was able to come out after that forceful voice, so he just gave him the free rein to stand in front of the door and dared not approach him rashly.

The dialogue in the palace was still going on at this moment and every word was heard by Chu Jinglan.

"Younger sister does maintain your morality but it's a pity you are holding the responsibilities of the family so when the clan concubine-born sisters' conduct were somewhat improper, shouldn't they be disciplined as to avoid any implication on yourself and practically ruin your reputation."

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