186-190: Extra 3: Rumors spread from person to person (8-12)

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[Chapter 186: Extra 3: Rumors spread from person to person 8]

"Is it true? Mahiru-chan, tell me, are you a person with superpowers?" "

No, no. Liren, tell me, I will definitely not tell Yusuke and Jiro. Really, even if they exchange Superman toys for me, I will definitely not tell them! You talk!" The

chatter in my ears kept on. , Tan Mahiru began to regret a little. The purpose of his coming out today was to make money to relieve the family that could not afford canned crab meat and snacks. It was so important that he allowed Xiao Pang Dun to follow him without authorization just because he wanted to run errands alone. Hold him back, or he should send him back immediately, but if he goes back now, it will be more difficult to get out again, and there will not be much time to waste.

"Don't walk so fast, Xiaozhen - ah!!"

The tone of the name changed. Before Tan Mahiru turned around, he found that his feet were getting further and further away from the ground - he was picked up by someone, and he He raised his eyes and saw Zhongyuan Zhongya wearing black gloves and a black windbreaker.

Nakahara Chuuya, who also saw Tan Mahiru clearly from a close distance, had white hair and blue eyes. The lover who caused a storm in the sashimi shop and was admitted by Dazai himself also had white hair and blue eyes.

"Wait, but that person..."

The person he saw, shouldn't he be a man?

Could it be...

No, no, no, it's impossible. He didn't feel the same kind of aura in this child, but he felt the disgust similar to that of the bastard mackerel. He could guarantee that this child was definitely related to Dazai, and this child was related to Dazai. The lovers who have admitted to each other look so similar, with identical facial features, it is not an exaggeration to say that they were carved from the same mold. They are definitely related by blood!

So, how was this child born? ! Not only his pupils were shaking, but his soul was starting to shake. Zhongyuan Zhongya couldn't even care about howling at his feet while the little fat fist hit his little fat butt without pain or itching.

The breeze blew gently, and Tan Mahiru did not struggle. He looked at Nakahara Chuuya quietly.

"Hey, let me tell you," Nakahara Chuuya said with difficulty, "Are you really Dazai's son?"

Tan Mahiru: "..."

"Why don't you speak? Are you scared? Hey, let's talk first. I didn't do anything. Don't go home and complain that I scared you. The bombed wine cellar in my house has not been repaired yet. It is filled with the famous wines that I have worked so hard to collect..."

Thinking of those wine cellars that made me laugh every time I took a sip . Even a man as big-hearted as Zhongyuan Zhong couldn't help but be so angry that his lungs hurt when he bought wine that he had never drunk at a high price.

High price, famous wine, Tan Mahiru, who understood the whole thing from two words, raised his head and glanced at Nakahara Chuuya thoughtfully, and then in his almost frightened and dull expression, he said loudly: "Yes, that's right, I He's Dazai's son."

At the same time, half a city away.

"A sneeze--"

Dazai suddenly sneezed while walking on the street.

After being reincarnated as Dazai's young tamedWhere stories live. Discover now