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[Chapter 1: "Good morning, will you die for love?"]

When he realized that he was born as a baby in the second dimension, Tan Mahiru felt no fluctuation in his heart and even wanted to laugh a little.

There is no other reason than three words: Enough is enough.

During his lifetime, he was a very ordinary person. He was not a wealthy person, nor was he in debt from heaven. He just burped in the hospital bed after experiencing the ups and downs of the world.

Therefore, when it comes to the desire to live, he has no desire to live.

How could such an ordinary person live longer than others?

He had been thinking about this problem for six years and still couldn't figure it out.

In these six years, he grew from a baby who could only lie down to a child who could only sit in a daze. The family he was reincarnated into should have good conditions. The house was large and there were many servants. They were not too harsh on him, a child who looked like he had a brain disease. At most, he just pretended not to notice.

After all, he has done nothing but daze in the past six years. The serious head of the family, his nominal father, visited him in the first two years and found that he appeared to be demented and never came again. As for his mother, the always sad woman in exquisite kimono only appeared in the first three years of his memory.

Her favorite thing to do is to sit on the porch with him in her arms calmly and silently, watching the cherry blossoms dancing in the wind. Three years later, one day when the cherry blossoms were falling all over the ground, she disappeared.

She was probably scared away by this big house filled with twilight from inside to outside, hoping that she could continue to live gracefully in some distant corner.

The days were still boring, and when summer came, so did his birthday. Because there is only one day between his birthday and his idol, Mr. Dazai, a certain canine anime perm man he chased during his lifetime. Overall, this is the day he is most looking forward to in a year.

Early that morning, the young maid brought him a bowl of soba noodles, and treated him as an emotional trash can as always.

This is normal, people always have to talk, not to mention that there are only two of them in this small courtyard, and he is still a sick child who has not spoken until he is six years old.

Tan Mahiru continued to eat noodles expressionlessly, with the maid's voice mumbling in his ears.

"Young master, did you hear the sound? There is a banquet being held in the front yard. I heard that the landlord's family next door came to visit. The head of the family and other young masters were all present. I really want to go and see it. It must be very lively."

The young maid held her face in her hands, with envy in her eyes.

She is a newcomer this year, because she was originally a country girl who was pushed out to take care of him without any defense. It is precisely because of this that she has not yet understood the darkness of this house, and her heart and eyes are full of yearning—— A bit pitiful, Tan Mahiru thought expressionlessly.

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