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[Chapter 17: "Don't be so easily influenced by others."]

The ocean is far more violent than imagined.

The unknown strong wind roared, and the waves raised were like the end of the world. The cargo ship full of containers was like a small boat, and it could be capsized at any time.

The main members of the Inoue Society, who were struggling to stand on the bow of the ship, had to hold on to the railing to prevent being swept into the sea by the waves.

"Didn't I say it was sunny today? Why are the wind and waves so strong?"

"Damn it, adjust the course immediately, avoid the storm circle, don't let the boat capsize -"

The sudden appearance of the storm made the members of the Inoue Club inexplicably fearful, and repeated complaints were heard. In front of them, two ships were approaching the waves.

"President, it's the Black Lizard Troop of the Port Mafia! There is also a team of ten psychics." A man holding a telescope said opposite the Port Mafia flag hanging on the bow of the ship.

The president of Inoue Club waved his hand nonchalantly.

"There are only ten superpowers. Forget it, let's not start a conflict yet. There is still 'cargo' in this ship. Contact Mr. V on the shore and ask him to provide a way to break through. If there is no way..." President Inoue said ferociously. He smiled and said, "Then we can only kill them all."

After finishing his words, there was a chorus of agreement, completely forgetting the advice from the military advisor before going to sea.

The military advisor, named Mr. V, is an unidentified ordinary person - at least that's what he said.

In the past, the Inoue Society was very weak. They were like tired hungry dogs in the wilderness, unable to muster any resistance. Until Mr. V arrived, he constructed a magnificent picture of the prosperous age for the Inoue Society and proposed in exchange for Inoue Society. The society needs to pay him a small reward in the future.

This is simply a cost-effective thing, and the desperate Inoue Club president agreed without hesitation.

In just three months, Inoue Society has successfully emerged.

Mr. V treats Inoue Society like a baby, not only providing the most profitable 'business', but also providing them with advice and information, and they live up to their expectations and use these resources to strengthen themselves. It is no exaggeration to say, Now they feel they can compete with the port mafia.

They don't think their ideas are arrogant, because strength is the foundation of the mafia, and they don't need to keep a low profile when they have strength. However, this time, before the members of the Inoue Club who were responsible for contacting the shore could wait for Mr. V's reply, bullets belonging to the port mafia had already come through the wind.

If Inouesha is a hungry dog ​​that suddenly got rich, then the Port Mafia at this time is a mad dog that has reached its end and can bark twice at the wire poles. The dogs fight, and for a while, dark clouds appear on the sea. It was rolling, the wind was raging, and the sound of bullets was endless.

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