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Carlos and max went grocery shopping together while max's new girlfriend isabell stayed with avery, ella and the kids   " ok so the list says we need: bbay diapers, low fat milk, fruits, coffee cans,and more redbulss for you mr "- carlos glanced at his friend before laughing teasingly, the two on purpose wore caps and made sure not to be seen by fans .. because why would 2 formula 1 drivers be in a grocery store in the middle of the day " ave said to not get the one that has strawberry filling inside...turne out dami is allergic "- explained carlos  " so just like Avery? Your son is allergic to strawberries?"- carlos nodded  "  the two little angles luis and luisa have   grown up since the last time I saw them.. they were so tiny  before "- max said while putting redbull packs inside the cart  " I agree"- smiled carlos , soon after they were all done and went to the self check out section , then placed the things inside max's car before driving to the sainz home.

" come on sweetie you haven't eaten yet "- avery tried to get the now 6 months old lusia to eat some baby food but the baby girl refused to open her mouth.. so carlos had to try  " come on princess open your mouth.. food train is coming. Choo choo"- she giggled at her father and lets him feed her making her mom pout and say  " see shes a daddy girl"- carlos kissed her cheek while continuing to feed his daughter , Carlos chuckled at Avery's playful remark, . "Looks like she's got me wrapped around her little finger already "- he admitted with a smile, stealing a glance at his daughter's doe eyes "then I guess I'll have to settle for being second best"- she teased, reaching over to brush Damian's hair who's eating fries .

" mama, i want this "- damian said cutly pointing at averys camera " sorry baby, but thats for mommys work "- he nodded getting back to play with his cars on the play mat "el sorry i dont know if i can make it tonight .. dami has a appointment in 2 hours "- she explained over the phone to her best friend " its ok avey i understand.. ill inform sam to tell the photoshoot crew" " thatll work thanks el" " you welcome"- with this the call has ended and avery looked up to see carlos carrying the twins while they slowly fell asleep " did you burb them ?"- she asked her husband " yes, lus pucked a bit but it's fine i took care of it .. "- she nodded and went to kiss him softly then pulled away " thank you so much bae , also dont forget your suitcase is already packed up for tomorrow " - he placed his twins in their crib and said " you dont have to thank me amor.."- he smiled pulling her to a hug " te amo"- he whispered " i love you too"- she said back to him.

When they made sure their children are sound asleep the duo decided to relax at the movie room cuddling with a large blanket covering them " stop moving babe"- he rasply said. " sorry"- she mumbled hugging his neck slowly letting sleep consume her , minutes lates carlos heard soft snores so he looked down at his wife and smiled kissing her forehead " rest well amor"-
He leaned in closer so she doesn't fall of the reclining couch, bit after a baby crying was heard so he quickly went to the nursry room not wanting his wife to wake up and go instead, entering the nursery.. he saw luis bawling his eyes out so he gently carried him "shh hjio.. whats wrong? Are you hungry baby?"- he grabbed the milk bottle and gave it to his little son making sure to position it correctly so he doesn't choke , luis was done drinking so he cutely pushed the bottle away from his mouth and cooed at his father .. making carlos smile at his cuteness.

Time skip >>

Walking down the baku paddock with max and some of the redbull crew , carlos was more determined to do better this race as the last race he wasn't even able to start causing him to lose p1 in the championship " deep breaths and heads up, you got this"- robert told him giving him a pat on his shoulder " whos p1 now in the drivers championship?"- Carlos asked " its Charles with 3 points gap between you and 8 between him and lando "- Carlos nodded as they reached the redbull motor home " Carlos! Avery called.."- isa said " whats wrong? Did something happen?"- he asked worriedly " dami was in his pre school class and someone accidentally swapped his allergies friendly meal to a normal one .. hes at the hospital now "- as soon as he heard that he immediately paced back in forth, he took his phone and called his wife , after few rings she picked up " avey .. hey.. um hows damian? Is he ok? Was it serve ?"- he asked trying to not to panic " carl damian is ok?.. he was just given a shot so he's resting now.. i asked his classroom teacher how did this even happen, he said that the new helper might've accidentally give his to another child.. he apologized and the principal said she's gonna have a word with the helper "- Carlos released a breath he didnt know hes been holding " thank god... wheres the twins then?" " they are with daniel at his house dont worry babe". " ok.. take care love you" " you too, also good luck "-he smiled hearing her words..

With daniel , he was so happy that his two little nephew and niece are with him " aww look at you smiling "- cooed daniel at their cuteness " babe! Im home!"- daniel turned around to see his fiancé " anna hey "- he kissed her cheek " aww i see that lui and luisa are here too"- she gently carried the little girl and kissed her cheek " yes, Damian got an allergic reaction so ave had to stay with him at the hospital, she said they will be done in like 3 more hours"- she nodded at her soon to be husband " i left your food inside the microwave if you want to eat it now"- daniel said , hours later.. the two kids were napping and avery came to pick them up with a sleeping damian inside the car " i hooked their car seats and placed them in it. Bye sis"- she smiled at her brother and said " bye dan... see you later "- she then left and drove away.

To be continued
End of chapter 25

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