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Note:  Ill try to post two chapters a day whenever i have time, also if you saw this before i edited it agin please re read it..

A week later..>>

Daniels pov:
I know i shouldnt be mad about max and ave talking to eachother 24/7 while leaving me out but.. im jealous because max is my best friend! I knew him first but when he saw my sister and got to know her, he became her best friend too.. im sad that i am left out ..  i heared the bell ringing taht amde me go to the door and open it just to see my little sister with two coffee cups in her hand even though i stopped texting her two days ago " hey dan"- she said entering the apartment " oh hey"-  i answered not in the mood  " did i do something wrong daniel..? Why you've been ignoring my texts please whatever i did im sorry"- she said placing the cups on the counter that made me feel guilty so i  immediately hugged her " don't apologize it's nothing.. i was just upset about something  it doesn't matter now "  " are you ok now? "- she strokes my hair  which is the thing she does whenever im sad   " mmh yea don't worry sweetheart "- i took her hand and made her sit down while i went to the kitchen .
End of his pov>>

" to be honest.. i was kinda jealous of you and max spending last week together... i mean you two kinda left me out"- daniel confessed to his sister  " oh danny.. you could have told us we wanted you to tag along but when we saw you working on your laptop max said that we should give you some space so you could work in peace.. and about the rest of the days max was having a rough time.. he didn't want to bother you believe me "- said avery  " did he .. break up?"- daniel asked  which made avery shake her head as no  " um. I cant tell you danny its not mine to tell"  " ok.. "- he sipped his coffee with the foam  getting on his mouth making his sister giggle " you got something "- she quickly grabbed a tissue and wiped it. " thanks " - he said  " you welcome".

Meanwhile, the dutchman  was hugging himself watching a movie with carlos and lando  " are the rumors true carl?"- he asked his spainish friend   " no . Who even came up with this I am dating that reporter thats so stupid i love someone else "- carlos frowns while eating more chips  "  awh who is it tell us come on!? "- lando teased him while cuddling with max   yawning. " lan go get another blanket if your cold from my room or sleep in the guest room "- vertsappen said to norris  " he can have mine i am not that cold"   " thanks carlos" -lando warped himself  but in matter of minutes he fell asleep making the two laugh softly at their friend with carlos helping him lay comfortably on the couch  " i have to go max   .. "- carlos got up in a hurry rushing to the door after getting a text from his sister saying that her child was involved in an accident .

The hospital smell made carlos remember bad memories that made his heart race, his sister was in Monaco on a vacation with her kid . he saw her standing near the er sign   so he hugged her  as she cried on his chest  , around an hour  later a doctor came out saying that his nephew is out of danger and that hes been transferred to a room  so the two thanked him and went  straight to the hospital room " carl you can go home its fine"- his sister said before continuing  " sorry that i made you rush to get here "  " you needed me so i had to be here "- he kissed her forehead  " i know how much begin in a hospital  is hard for you.."-  she made sure hes ok and huged him back   " i miss him so much"- he sighed as his heart ached missing his lost friend .

Time skip..
Before the Las Vegas race>>

The wolffs exited their ride getting in the hotel lobby " bout time !"- said lando greeting the family  " umm where's ave? "- asked ella confused about her best friend not begin present  " she took a flight back.."- lando sighs  " why? "  " work problems "- ella felt sympathy for ave as she knows how much it can be stressful to be a  photographer and a model at the same time with an agent that doesn't do their work well. " sweetie, me and your father are going to have dinner  - susie said  " ok have fun"- she waved as her parents left  " come on the boys are gathered in charles room playing monopoly "- he laughed knowing about the mess that's happening " thats gonna be interesting "- she said amused.

The next day, qualifying went well for the McLarens as lando managed to get p4 with carlos p2 in Q3 right beside the two redbulls of max and daniel followed by the ferraris " well done carlos thats p2 for tomorrow's race"- carlos race engineer said over the radio " yes! Thank you lets hope we can do well tomorrow too"- sainz said in a happy tone feeling satisfied with the car pace , he exited his car in parc ferme .. then afterwards returned to the garage of McLaren " good luck tomorrow "- smiled lando hugging his best friend " you too lano"- he smiled back , them a voice said " that was an awesome qualifying round "- zac said to his drivers " i wish you luck for tomorrow and remember dont stress and rest well"- the two left to get back to their shared hotel room.

" you have 2 photo shoots at the hilton hotel downtown then a runway show to attend at the gallery for today "- said kate averys assistant " thats all?"- the model asked " hmm yes miss " - confirmed kate " oh ok thank you.. also can you please get me french vanilla latte with Skimmed milk" " right away"- the assistant left while avery returned her focus on the laptop screen smiling seeing landos funny stories on instagram of him and carlos goofing around after McLaren getting a p2-3 win the day before" why are you blushing?"- lando asked carlos " nothing "- the spainish driver looked away " i was not blushing lando your imagining things "- he tickled his friend and the brit couldn't stop laughing because of it.

Calros stared at the ceiling of his bedroom trying to fall asleep but his mind wont let him as hes been deep in thoughts for 3 hours now despite him getting sleepy .. he took his phone from the bedside table and scrolled through snap chat until a story caught his eyes ... Avery posted herself doing a dance workout noticing a guy's reflection on the mirror smiling at her .. he shook it off and turned his phone off to try to fall asleep.

" when are you gonna tell daniel that we are still together?"- David asked his girlfriend brining her closer to his chest " he doesn't have to know... "- she replied as he slowly hugs her laying down on her bed
Hiding the fact that he had cheated on her  the night before ...but what he doesn't know that someone had seen him.

To be continued
end of chapter 2>>

Between the lines |CS55🌶️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang