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Averys  pov:
After lando had done proposing to el..i immediately told carlos that i need to leave .. not telling him the real reason , he agreed and drove us back to the hotel.. and when we got inside i sprinted to the bathroom  " amor you ok?"- I heard his voice from the doorframe  " u.uh yes carl—-"- i was cutted off by another nausea wave , as i was emptying my dinner carlos kneeled beside me clearly worried as he tided my hair in a bun so it wouldn't get dirty  " babe .. thats the forth time since yesterday.. are you sure you don't want to get a check up?"- i shook my head as a no .. i know im pregnant, ive known for two weeks now.. but im planning to surprise him when we settle at home.. the last two weeks we haven't been able to return home.. first we were in Germany  now we are in japan ..to my relief the next week is a not a race weekend..the only two people that knew about my pregnancy are ella and daniel..they were both so happy and are helping me plan the gift to reveal it to carlos..
End of her pov>>

On the private jet, Avery glanced at Ella with a mischievous smile, a silent understanding passing between them. With a nod, they both reached for the controls of the onboard entertainment system, eager to set the mood for the journey ahead .. then they two models started singing along happily while their men laughed at their hyper -mood " how much energy does these two have?"- lando teased " leave them be lando, its cute"- he was looking at his wife admiringly as she sang along .. As the music filled the cabin, Avery and Ella's infectious energy seemed to spread to everyone on board. With each lively tune, their spirits soared higher, and soon Carlos and Lando started to sing to.

Time skip..



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Tagged: itsliam_xxx
Caption: preparing our mental & physical sanity before a agency meeting 🚶

-Carlossainz55: 👀is that why you didn't wake me up love? Because you left early?
—> replay by ave_sainz: you looked so peaceful sleeping i decided to let you rest more😗❤️
—> replay by Carlossainz55: 😳your making me fall for you all over agin Bebé

- landonorris: stop flirting with eachother 🙄we get it
—> replay by carlossainz5: 👀 like you don't do the same muppet


As Liam and Avery sat in the makeup room, the excitement of the runway show buzzing around them, Liam couldn't help but notice a subtle change in Avery's demeanor "Hey, Avery, are you feeling okay? You seem a little off today"-Avery forced a smile, trying to brush off Liam's concern "I'm fine, just a little tired, I guess. It's been a busy week"- she replied But Liam wasn't convinced. He had known Avery long enough to recognize when something was bothering her "Avey , come on. You can tell me if something's wrong. Is it the show? Are you nervous about the runway?"-Avery hesitated, her gaze dropping to her lap as she wrestled with her thoughts "It's not the show, Liam. It's... something else"- she took a deep breath while Liam's brow furrowed with concern as he leaned in closer, his voice soft and reassuring- "You can talk to me, Avery. Whatever it is, I'm here for you"-Avery took another deep breath, steeling herself to share her news with Liam.

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