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2 years later...

" no! "- pouted damian running away from his mom whos been trying to get him to wear his pjs " dami baby come on "- but his little feet carried him away from his mom ,carlos who's been watching it by the door chuckles at his son " someone's not ready for bed at all, just let him stay awake"- Avery gave him a look making him shut up , he raised his hands in surrender " ok ok.. sorry amor ill be quiet "- he laughed , Avery smiled gratefully, her eyes softening as she turned her attention back to Damian " dami baby its nappy time love"- he stood for a moment then returned to his mom wanting her to carry him while sucking his thumb " lets take you to bed"- she softly strokes his back while he slowly drifts to sleep , she placed him inside his crib then returned to the bedroom where carlos is " good its mid season break"- carlos wrapped his arms around his wife before pulling her for a kiss , she was about to kiss back but the bell ring made her pull away and go open the door ...

" lando , el .. wait you two got discharged?"- Avery smiled happily seeing her niece " yes, lando insisted that dami and hela should meet "- chuckles el her face lighting up with joy as she embraced her best friend " how are you feeling ? "- she asked " im fine now.. im sorry i couldn't be at the hospital .. "- apologized abery once agin, she and carlos were supposed to be flying back a day before the birth.. but unexpected storm made them unble to return on time, "It's okay, Avery. We completely understand"- Ella reassured her, her voice filled with warmth and understanding. "The most important thing is that you're here now, and we're so grateful for your support"-Avery nodded, her heart heavy with guilt despite Ella's reassurances. "I just wish I could have been there for you," she admitted, her voice tinged with regret.
Ella reached out to squeeze Avery's hand, her eyes filled with compassion. "You're here now, and that's all that matters"-she said, her tone gentle yet firm, stepped forward, his expression filled with empathy. "We're just glad everything turned out okay"-he said.

The four watched Damian looking at baby helena in wonder .. " he's confused "- chuckles lando softly " m.ama?"- Damian tried to ask. " this is your little sister and cousin sweetie , her name is helena"- said avery , the young boy turned to his father not understanding anything his mom had said , Carlos carried his son and started playing with him " so how was the paris show?"- asked ella " it went well, liam and his wife were there, i just dont trust her "- she admitted " me too.. but we cant do anything liam is so blind by his love for her you know.."- sighs ella " j just hope he's happy at least "- said Avery drinking the orange juice " i know..".



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Liked by: danielriccirado ,ellanorris and 1.9m others

Caption: father like son 🤭


-Carlossianz55: ❤️‍🩹
-maxverstappen1: adorable! Ill take damian with me agin soon 😉
—-> replay by carlossainz55:sorry max but my little guy is occupied already
-Ave_sainz: here we go agin 🤦‍♀️ guys you and dan are nt taking Damian anywhere thats final , carlos !stop taking silly pics of me please..


Avery chased him around the kitchen , he kept teasing her and even accidentally broke the eggs on the counter that were meant to be used for lunch, Carlos grinned mischievously, darting around the island and narrowly avoiding Avery's attempts to catch him then.. " oww "- carlos whined laughing harder, he tripped over Damian's toy making ave catch him " say your sorry ill give you mercy"- she trapped him by holding his arms not too tight so she doesn't hurt him " looks like karma got you babe. Now are you gonma admit your defeat or this will break on your precious hair?"- she teased while Damian was distracted by the cartoon hes watching " ok ok! I surrender! Im sorry amor"- she lets him go and he hugged her " i hate you"- she mumbled ". I love you too"- he grinned smiling, Damian giggled after seeing his parents smiling.

Carlos left McLaren and started driving for redbull for a year now , while Daniel retired and max stayed with redbull . Lando stayed with McLaren, his teammate is oscar . " babe .. have you seen my keys?"- lando asked his wife. " on the bedside table "- she answered while she laid down their sleeping daughter in her crib " thanks babe.. ill see you later mmh?"- he kissed her cheek then peeked his daughter forehead " ok be careful its raining outside "- he nodded leaving the house.

At the gym, carlos and lando worked out together preparing for the upcoming silverstone race "woah this became so easy "- lando said glancing at carlos who is watching damian sitting inside his stroller playing with a bunny plushie " He's such a cheerful kid"- he said, lifting some weights. "Hey, did Avery go to New York?"-Carlos nodded, adjusting his grip on the dumbbells. "Yeah, she had to. At first, she didn't want to leave Damian, but I convinced her it was okay"- lando nodded in understanding " - suddenly damian frowns and started crying making carlos quickly go to him " whats wrong buddy? Are you ok?"- he worriedly checked if his son had hurted himself accidentally but there's nothing , he carried him and softly rocked him to try help him stop crying.. " mama!"- he cried more wanting his mother, carlos then had an idea " dami look what dada has"- he showed him his bunny plushie , thankfully he accepted it and stopped crying " thats my boy "- carlos placed a kiss on his son cheek .



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Liked by4.7 m

-Ave_sainz:aww i miss you both 🩵
—> replay by carlossainz55:we miss you too! 🫶dont worry dami is doing well
—> replay by ave_sainz:❤️❤️❤️

-landonorris: i took that pic!😎
-maxverstappen1: i got little dami a redbull Tshirt
—> replay by carlossainz55: cant wait to see him trying it on , thanks maxie


" say uncle maxie"- max cooed trying to get damian to copy him "mawci"- giggled damian Max grinned at Damian's attempt to mimic him. "Close enough, little guy"- he chuckled, ruffling Damian's hair affectionately Carlos smiled at the exchange between his son and his teammate, damian repeated his attempt making max fall for his cuteness "thats rignt dami im your uncle maxie"- he smiled at the young child hugged him closer to his chest , Damian started gently playing with his uncle hair liking the way it felt
" i think your indeed his favorite uncle, dont tell Daniel and lando that i said that "- laughed carlos making max grin and say " i wont if you dont tell them"- carlos nodded at the dutchman .. Just then, Damian let out a delighted giggle, his tiny fingers still holding in Max's hair. Max glanced down at the little boy with a smile. "Looks like I've got the seal of approval "-he remarked, his eyes sparkling with amusement, Carlos laughed, watching the interaction between his son and his teammate with a sense of warmth. "Definitely"-he said

To be continued
End of chapter 20

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