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Two months after the last chapter..

Carlos pov:
I packed my suitcase with worries.. i dont want to leave ave home alone.. even tho my mom offered to stay with her until im back but i want to be able to by her side .. by hers and our unborn child side. Shes now almost 6months pregnant.. " carl? Do you need help folding your clothes?"- averys voice got me out of my thoughts " no babe im done already "- i gently kissed her belly and said " dont tire mommy please you little champ .. "- I softly said while she stroked my hair " you have to go now carlito. Dont worry reyes and ella are gonna be here with us . Come on love"- she told me kissing my cheek as i hugged her "but i dont wanna leave you two alone "- i tried to reason " we wont be alone bae.. stop worrying and foucs on this race weekend mmh?"- she careessed my cheek and continued " we are rooting for you.. i love you"- i smiled at her kissing her hand , then i took my suitcase and gave her a last hug and said " take care please.. ill call you as soon as i land there" " you too los, i love you "- i kissed her forehead and left ..with lando driving to the airport.
End of his pov>>

" i bought you new flat shoes avey.. "- el said smiling showing her pregnant best friend a new flat shoes that are made for pregnant women " aww thanks el"- avery tired it on and immediately felt comfortable wearing it " what do you want to eat?"- she asked the Austrain. " sit down.. im full actually.. lets watch a the rookie "- wolff suggested " sounds like a plan ", a bit later liam entered holding a doughnut box " hehe look what i got ."- he showed it to his two friends " come on sit down! Your blocking the tv L"- Avery frowns wanting to see the screen making wilson chuckle " sure ms sainz!"- he replied teasing sitting down putting on his hood " did you deactivate your insta account?"- liam asked looking at ella " yes.. i needed a break "- she sighs " i did too.. "- mumbled Avery, seeing the negative comments about her and her husband made her decide to take a break from it, she didn't let the people talk effect her she loves her little family.. carlos is the one she wants forever no matter what they say..

A day later, avery giggles seeing the picture her husband sent her " what?"- liam asked confused before he glanced at her phone screen ..

" how old is he agin?"- laughed liam seeing it making avery throw a pillow at him  " dont laugh at my husband! The picture is adorable see"- she pouts her pregnancy hormones taking control  "  why mrs sainz hasn't arrived yet?"-asked liam  " she j...

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" how old is he agin?"- laughed liam seeing it making avery throw a pillow at him " dont laugh at my husband! The picture is adorable see"- she pouts her pregnancy hormones taking control " why mrs sainz hasn't arrived yet?"-asked liam " she just landed .. "- replied avery looking at her mother in law text " oh makes sense "- around an hour later ,ella baked a frozen pizza while preparing the plates, liam hurried over to give her a hand with avery falling asleep on the couch " she dozed off, i turned the tv off "- liam said make ella nod sliding the pizza onto the plates. "Let's get this served before it gets cold." Liam nodded, helping her carry the plates to the coffee table where Avery was now peacefully sleeping. "She must have been really tired"-Liam whispered, glancing at Avery with a soft smile. "Yeah, pregnancy takes a toll on her sometimes.. its why Carlos was worried about leaving "-Ella replied, gently brushing a strand of hair from Avery's face. "But she's a strong woman " -They settled down to eat, enjoying the warmth of the pizza and the quiet comfort of each other's company.

Time skip..

Lando sighed in disbelief.. he dns .. there was a leak in one of the engines making him unable to start the race, he only calmed down after a call with his fiancé "I know, babe, it sucks"-his fiancé's voice came through the phone, filled with empathy "I was so ready for this race"- Lando replied, frustration evident in his tone,"I know you were, but sometimes these things happen. You'll bounce back stronger"-she reassured him "I hope so," Lando sighed again, feeling a bit defeated.

" hey baby sis, hows the little fella trean you?"-daniel asked during the call with his sister " not bad like last week.. its less tiring "- avery replied while laying down on the bed " oh congrats on your win "- she smiled " thank you , carlos got second.. after the fia disqualified lance.."- he sighed "listen..mom called"- this made ave go silent for a moment " what does she want "- she asked " she wants to visit you and carlos.."- this made avery blood boil " they abounded us! And never answered my calls and now she wants to visit me at my house? F**k no! Daniel why did you even answer her call" " look, she kept blowing up my phone.. even after i blocked her number she would call max and Christian annoying them"- he reasoned. " im not letting her in my house! Both of them are dead to me after not showing up at my wedding!"- Avery ended the call immediately not wanting to talk any further.., hearing her shout reyes softly knocked on the door " are you ok? "- she asked " yes .."- she lied before slowly drifting to sleep .

Meanwhile, daniel informed carlos of what happened " you should've not told her mate.."- carlos said stressing out " im sorry .. i thought she deserved to know in case they showed up uninvited.."- he looked down , carlos placed a hand on his shoulder " its ok.. she's gonna calm down soon, anyways max and lando are probably at the bar.. "- Carlos softly said as he looked at his teammate who's sleeping on one of the beds " yes i know.. max texted me".

Avery stayed at ella's n lando apartment as reyes had to go grocery shopping " girl.. are you serious mixing barbecue with....honey and chili sauce .. ?"- ella looked at her friend  " blame your nephew "- avery frowns and continued    "Plus honey and barbecue arent a werid combination "- she dipped the fries in the sauce and ate it "He's already developing a taste for adventurous flavors"- Ella couldn't help but laugh at Avery's response. "Well, I suppose I'll have to blame him for a lot of things in the future"- she joked, reaching for a fry and inspecting it skeptically ,Avery nodded, her smile widening. "Trust me, Ella. The sweet and smoky chili flavor combo is a game-changer," she insisted, dipping another fry into the sauce and popping it into her mouth with satisfaction , Alright, I'll give it a try," she relented, grabbing a fry and tentatively dipping it into the sauce. "But if I end up with a strange taste in my mouth, I'm blaming both you and mini sainz "-
Avery grinned, feeling a surge of affection for her friend. "Fair enough "- she agreed, watching eagerly as Ella took a cautious bite, To her delight, Ella's expression softened into one of surprise and delight as the flavors exploded on her palate. "Hmm, you might be onto something here, Avery," she conceded, reaching for another fry " see told you its not bad"- giggled Avery in victory .

Avery's hand instinctively moved to her belly as she felt a sudden kick from her unborn child. Her eyes widened in surprise, and a soft gasp escaped her lips.
"Ella, did you feel that?" -Avery exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder as she looked up at her friend.
Ella's eyes widened in amazement, her hand reaching out to gently touch Avery's belly. "Wow, that's incredible"-she murmured, feeling the tiny movement beneath her fingertips , They sat in awe for a moment, the realization of new life stirring within Avery filling the room with an indescribable sense of magic and joy "It's like our little food critic is already making his presence more known"- Avery said with a laugh .

When carlos finally returned the next day, "Hey there, little one"-Carlos whispered, his hand gently resting on Avery's belly. "Did you miss me?"-Avery laughed, feeling a surge of affection for her husband as he showered their unborn child with attention. "I think someone's eager to meet you"- she said as she felt her child responding to his dad by kicking , her voice filled with warmth,Ella smiled at the sight, feeling grateful to be a part of this special moment between the husband and wife. "Looks like you've got some competition, Ave"-she teased, her eyes twinkling with amusement,Carlos chuckled, his gaze never leaving Avery's belly. "I can't help it"-he admitted, a look of wonder in his eyes. "I already feel like I know this little one, even though we haven't met yet", Ella watched the scene unfold with a sense of awe, marveling at the way Carlos doted on Avery and their unborn child. "You two are going to be amazing parents"-she remarked, a soft smile playing on her lips " thank you el"- smiled the two, ella felt someone behind her and said " lando dont try to scare me.. i know your behind me i saw you entering "- she teased " baee come on , lets go home mmh?"- he said but carlos suggested " stay over.. its raining outside, the guest room is clean "- he explained ".. thank you carlos"- answered lando nodding in agreement.. " no problem, your welcome to stay whenever you like you two aren't only friends your family "- carlos smiled warmly at the engaged couple ...

To be continued
End of chapter 17

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