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9 months into Avery's pregnancy..

"Carl! Help me wear my socks please "- whines Avery , Carlos chuckled at Avery's plea, his heart swelling with affection for his pregnant wife. "Of course, amor,
"-he said, moving to her side with a warm smile. "Anything for you"-As he knelt down to help her with her socks " Carlos gently massaged her tired feet, Avery closed her eyes and let herself be enveloped by sleep , when he saw her softly snoring he smiled and covered her with a blanket " sweet dreams my loves "- he went to the kitchen and started to chop vegetables for her to eat later ..

Lost in his thoughts, Carlos didn't notice the time passing until he heard a soft stir from the living room. Turning, he saw Avery blinking sleepily, her eyes fluttering open as she stretched with a contented sigh.
"Hey there, sleepyhead"-Carlos greeted her with a warm smile, crossing the room to offer her a helping hand, Avery smiled back, feeling refreshed from her nap. "Hey, los What time is it?" -she asked, rubbing her eyes as she sat up on the couch,Carlos glanced at the clock on the wall before returning his gaze to Avery. "It's almost dinnertime babe"- he replied ,after some time the married couple were done with their meal so carlos placed the dirty dishes inside the washing machine " owww"- whimpered Avery in discomfort making Carlos sprint to her side " whats wrong? Are you ok?" -he asked, kneeling beside her and gently placing a hand on her shoulder " i need to lay down.."- she mumbled and carlos quickly helped her lay down As Avery settled onto the cushions, Carlos sat beside her, his hand resting reassuringly on her belly. "Just breathe, mi vida"- he urged, his voice gentle as he stroked her hair. "Everything will be okay. I'm here for you"-Avery closed her eyes, focusing on the soothing rhythm of Carlos's voice and the comforting touch of his hand. Despite the pain coursing through her body, she felt a sense of calm wash over her knowing that Carlos was by her side, soon they were both sleeping in exhaustion, carlos lets averys head on his hips while he slept in a sitting position .. but this peace wasnt for long

Avery's peaceful slumber was abruptly interrupted by another wave of pain coursing through her body. She winced, her hand instinctively reaching for her belly as she tried to ride out the discomfort.. Carlos stirred awake immediately, his eyes filled with concern as he felt Avery tense beside him. "Avery, what's wrong?" -he asked urgently, his voice full with worry Avery's breath came in short gasps as she struggled to speak through the pain. "I... I think it's... it's time"-she managed to say, her voice strained,Realization dawned on Carlos as he realized what Avery meant. Their baby was coming, and they needed to act fast. With a sense of urgency, he sprang into action, helping Avery to sit up and supporting her as they made their way to the door"We need to get you to the hospital"-Carlos said firmly, his voice steady despite the panic threatening to overwhelm him. "Everything's going to be okay. I'm right here with you", after he helped her into the car, he quickly rushed to the driver seat and drove to the nearest hospital.. luckily it wasnt long before they reached..

While avery was taken to a delivery room carlos never left her side, he had informed daniel and ella plus his parents.. " deep breaths love, im here you got this"- he softly wiped the sweats off her forehead. " im scared "- averys mumbled admitting. Making carlos place a kiss on her forehead " know, mi amor"-he whispered, his voice filled with reassurance "But we're in this together. You're stronger than you know, and I'll be right here with you every step of the way"- he heard footsteps outside then ella entered while daniel and lando stayed at the waiting area " you got this .."- she told her friend.. after what seemed like forever 8 hours of labour:. They finally heard it the baby's first cry echoed through the air. Carlos's heart swelled with overwhelming emotion as he looked at his wife, her face flushed with tiredness but filled with joy and relief "You did it, mi amor"-Carlos said softly, tears of happiness glistening in his eyes as he leaned down to kiss Avery's forehead. "You were amazing.. i love you both so much"-Avery smiled weakly at his words , her eyes brimming with tears of joy as she reached out to hold their newborn baby for the first time. "We did it"-she whispered, her voice filled with awe and wonder.

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