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Three days have passed since avery  left back to monaco without Carlos , he tried contacting her but it would go straight to voicemail.. hes worried about his fiancée , their house is empty.. he waited helplessly  hoping she would enter through the door As he sat alone in their living room, Carlos couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at him. "Avery, where are you?" -he whispered, his voice filled with longing and concern.

Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell interrupted his thoughts, causing Carlos to jump to his feet in anticipation. Could it be her? But wait she does have a key.. he opened the door to see a delivery guy with a small package  " good morning sir.. i have a package for mr sainz from ms avery?"- disappointment sank in his heart.. " ok thank you"- he took the package after signing the form before closing the door and placing the package on the table.. With a mix of hope and worries , Carlos carefully opened the package, his heart racing with anticipation. Inside, he found a neatly wrapped gift with a note attached.
His hands shook slightly as he unfolded the note and read Avery's familiar handwriting:  
" carlos,
I know i caused you to be confused and worried due to
Me leaving without telling you.. im sorry , Please know that I'm safe and thinking of you constantly. I needed some time to clear my head, but I'll be back soon. In the meantime, I hope this gift brings a smile to your face.
I love you carl,

As Carlos unwrapped the gift, his eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the customized ring nestled inside the box. With trembling hands, he carefully lifted the ring, marveling at its exquisite craftsmanship. onto the band were his initials, a subtle yet meaningful reminder of their love and commitment to each other,he slipped the ring onto his finger, feeling its weight and significance settle against his skin. It was more than just a piece of jewelry; it was a symbol of their bond, a clear  reminder of Avery's love  for him and presence in his life.

Lando arrived at Carlos's doorstep shortly after their phone call " i figured you may want to have some beer and watch a movie or play fifa?"- grinned lando "sure why not .. "- carlos replied .. Lando nodded, stepping inside and making his way to the living room. "I've got the perfect movie lined up. And maybe we can kick back with some FIFA afterward," he suggested, setting down the bag of snacks he brought along.
Carlos chuckled, feeling a sense of relief at the prospect of spending time with his friend. "Sounds like a plan"-he agreed, following Lando into the living room.
As they settled in with their drinks and snacks, Carlos couldn't help but feel grateful for Lando's company.

at liams apartment, he and Avery chilled on the large couch "So, how's everything going with Carlos?" Liam asked, sipping his drink then continued " why your ignoring him..". - avery sighed " honestly? I dont know.. i feel bad"- she struggled to find the right words. "It's not that I'm intentionally ignoring him," -she began slowly, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I just... I don't know how to face him right now .. I've hurted him "- Avery took another bottle but got stopped by liam " Hey, don't beat yourself up too much"- Liam said gently, taking the bottle from Avery's hand and setting it aside. "We all make mistakes, but it's important to take responsibility for them and try to make things right"-
Avery nodded, grateful for Liam's understanding. "I know, I know... I just wish I knew how to fix this," she admitted, her voice tinged with frustration.



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Caption: back from a long shoot 🔓
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Posted 5 hours ago

Avery drank despite liam objections.., getting heavily drunk.. avery whimpered as she tried to leave liams apartment Wait, Avery, you can't drive like this," Liam protested, concern evident in his voice as he watched Avery stumble towards the door.
"I'm fine, Liam. I just need to go home"-Avery slurred, her words barely coherent as she fumbled with the doorknob.
"No, you're not fine"-Liam insisted, moving to force her to lay down "You're drunk, and I'm not letting you leave like this. You can stay here tonight"-
Avery shook her head stubbornly, her eyes brimming with tears. "I have to go, Liam. I have to talk to Carlos"- she mumbled, her voice breaking with emotion.

Liam sighed, realizing that Avery was too intoxicated to reason with. "Alright, alright," he relented, guiding her back towards the couch. "But you're staying here until you sober up. I'll call Carlos .."- she interrupted him saying " l~~ him pick me up please "- she groans into the pillow "Hi, Carlos, it's Liam"-he spoke into the phone, keeping his voice low so as not to startle Avery. "Listen, Avery's here at my place. She's had a bit too much to drink and she's in no condition to drive. Can you come pick her up.. i tried stopping her from drinking but she was too stubborn.."
He listened to Carlos's response, then nodded. "Great, thanks... Take your time, she's safe here".

After ending the call, Liam turned to Avery, who was now curled up on the couch, her eyes closed. "Carlos is on his way"- he informed her gently. "He'll take you home... do you want a blanket?"- he asked but didn't get a reply as avery slept on the couch , Liam sighed softly, realizing that Avery had already fallen asleep. He grabbed a blanket from the nearby closet and gently draped it over her sleeping form. "Rest well, Avery"-he murmured, before retreating to another room to give her some privacy until Carlos arrived.

As Liam settled into the other room, he found himself lost in his thoughts. He glanced out the window, watching as the moon cast a soft glow over the quiet neighborhood. Thoughts of the events of the day swirled in his mind, replaying conversations and decisions made
He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease lingering beneath the surface. The situation with Carlos weighed heavily on him, knowing that their meeting would likely bring about difficult discussions and tough choices.

But amidst the uncertainty, Liam found solace in the peaceful stillness of the night. He took a deep breath, letting the tranquility of the moment wash over him. Whatever challenges lay ahead, he knew that he would face them with resolve and determination.
As he waited for Carlos to arrive, Liam allowed himself to rest, finding comfort in the quiet of the night Just then, a knock at the door broke the silence. Liam's heart skipped a beat as he rose from his seat and made his way to answer it.

"Carlos" -Liam greeted, opening the door to reveal his friend fiancé standing on the other side " shes on the couch.. "- he said to the man infront of him, carlos softly walked towards his fiancé sleeping figure and gently carried her in a bridal style while keeping the blanket on.. As they made their way out, Liam whispered, "Take care of her, Carlos"-
Carlos smiled reassuringly. "Always, Liam." - before he left towards his car .. then gently placed his lover at the backseat making sure she's sleeping comfortably..
With Avery settled in the backseat, Carlos closed the car door gently, ensuring not to disturb her. He turned back to Liam, gratitude evident in his eyes.

"Thank you for looking after her, Liam," Carlos said, sincerity lacing his words
Liam nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Of course, Carlos. Take care of each other... she loves you more than anything.. "-With a final nod of understanding, Carlos made his way to the driver's seat and started the car. Liam watched as they drove off into the night, a sense of reassurance settling over him knowing that Avery was in good hands.. with her soon to be husband.. her love .

To be continued
End of character 12

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