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On Christmas eve , the whole sainz family gathered in the Carlos and Avery house in Spain.." grandpa! Airplane please?"- luis begged his grandfather carlos sr " lu.! No what did we say about asking granpa for it? Hes —-"- carlos was stopped by his father assuring him that its ok " hijo, its ok ill carry him like he wants ill fine"- said carlos sr making his son sigh in defeat before nodding giving up " ill go take luisa and dami for a walk they got hyper at the car eating a candy pack "- the three left for a walk. While the ladies sat together chatting and having tea " so ave how's the new building going?"- asked ana her sister in law " umm not that bad , its unlike the previous one with a large space but it still does the job "- explained avery " i heard that your hiring new models..? Kids models?"- asked reyes confused " yes mama rey, the PR gave me this idea to help the underground brands to show their children collections of clothing. "- reyes nodded in understanding while luis kept giggling with his grandfather.

" you know what amor.."- carlos said with avery cuddling with him on their Spainish house couch after the other sainz's left to the family house " what's wrong los? You seem down today... is everything ok love?"- Avery glanced worried at her husband " i didn't like how ana husband was acting towards you.. i cant believe it! he was crossing a line..even ana had to pull me aside to clam me down .."- Carlos sighs " Carlos..i know , but you don't have to worry about me im ok really Carlito "- Avery said "you sure?"- Carlos softly kissed her " yes 100%"- the two shared a short kiss before pulling away snuggling getting comfortable , their peace was interrupted by luis and luisa jumping on them " aww my babies "- chuckles Avery making space for the little two intruders , they kissed their parents cheeks and swings their little legs as they got comfortable and watched the movie playing on the large tv screen " mom! Luis drew on my coloring sheet !"- yelled damian " I'll print another one baby, just dont yell .. your siblings are sleeping "- she pointed out at the two little sleeping humans carlos is carrying to their room " ok.. sorry mama"- damian kissed his mom cheek and then returned to his own room playing with his Rc car.

The clock ticked meaning it's officially Christmas , the three kids sprinted towards the Christmas tree where presents were placed and wrapped neatly , while the adults each gave the other a gift.. the festive atmosphere is cheerful  " ok , ana this is yours"- smiled carlos giving his sister her present , when she opened it it was a beautiful blue ralph lauren sweater  " thanks carlito"- smiled his sister " you welcome.. oh babe this is for you "- he softly kissed his wife cheek and handed her a box, she opened it and saw that its a new camera lenses with extra memory card and new strap  " so..? Do you like it?"- carlos was nervous thinking she didn't like his gift but she stopped him and sode hugged him while thanking him  " no I love it! Thanks love"- the twins argued over a childern  go kart  that carlos sr got for them   " no fighting.. luis the red is yours and luisa yours is the black one.. "- explained carlos sr to his grandchildren while damian was busy putting together his hotwheels cars track with reyes help " done!"- cheered damain happily and immediately started playing with his Christmas gift from his aunt.

Time skip..2 weeks later

" mmh this tastes good"- smiled avery eating the burgers carlos made  " as always.."- carlos blushed hearing his wife  " well, you said you missed having those so i thought why not "- he glanced at their children who were watching trolls on the tv  to make sure they aren't fighting  " ella will drop hela by.. simce she keeps saying she wants to come over to play with the twins "- carlos nodded after hearing her words  "lando is with george , lance and max with daniel "- carlos said seeing the text from his best friend " he's asking if we will tag along with the kids too?"- he looked at his wife waiting for her answer  " ok.. i dont see why not, besides daniel just returned from his honeymoon and i miss him"- she chuckled making carlos nod smiling before pulling her in for a kiss.

At max's house, they decided to have a games and movie night, they got splitted into two teams ( carlos, daniel and lance, avery) vs ( lando, Ella, lance ,max).. they started with battleship  " nooooo..! You cheated chili "- complained lando as the forth team ship got attacked by carlos's team " i didnt , it was luck"- laughed carlos making lando playfully flip him off " oi! There's kids here lando"- pointed out max " they are occupied with the toys "- grinned lando   " you and that brain of yours "- sighs george before he started laughing at his friend.

Avery fell asleep on her brother while the movie is still running  " guess she had a full day today "- said Daniel as he gently laid his sister  head on his  shoulder , Daniel  then adjusted his position to make sure Avery was comfortable, while settling back to watch the movie with the others " yes she did "- answered Carlos  gently placing a blanket on his wife  " i will take my leave now guys "- George exused himself after seeing the time   " jimmy won't sleep unless i am home, cameron texted"- he sighed due to his son wanting him to be home so could cuddle and sleep with his father   " don't blame him mate, hes just 5 of course he wants to be close to you.."- explains carlos making the brit nod in agreement  " good night! See you later"- waved russel before he left to get back to his house.



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Caption : pizza + movie+ games = fun


To be continued
End of chapter 29

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