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Carlos pov:
One more win and i get my first championship win.. max and i were head to head this season .., i was so deeply thinking that avery had to wave her hand infront of my face  " carl? Carlos? Babe ?? Breakfast is ready love "- i snapped out of my thoughts and nodded at her and said  "oh sorry, im coming "- she carried the twins to feed them and sat on the couch while i headed to eat my breakfast that she made for me... hour later, max arrived and told me that we needed to be on track.." mate its too early "- i said fixing my hair front of the large mirror  " well Christ said he wanted us to be early because of some media duty.... Hold up awww theses are so cute! "- he looked at the twins who were wearing a mini redbull t shirts that i got them   Falling for their cuteness " my babies support me "- i grinned that made avery throw the pillow at me .
End of his pov>>

" uncle lanooo !"- smiled damian when he saw the brit driver who immediately hugged him  " how are you cutie one?"- asked lando while ruffling his hair  " good! Mama bought me a McLaren t shirt see.."- he showed his uncle his lN4 McLaren Tshirt..despite carlos's tries to get his son to wear a redbull one instead  " ha.. carlos i am his favorite see"- lando teased his best friend  " yeah whatever "- carlos  playfully dismissed it , then as they arrived at the redbull garage .. gp informed them rain is to be expected anytime  " good we brought umbrellas with us "- max nodded at what carlos said  " lets hope it wont be raining hard.. the track is already hard as it is "- max explained  " your right... last year was a mess when it rained... 4 cars literally dnfd. Mate"- the duo continued to chat while avery and the kids entered the motor home because of the weather getting colder .

Ella walked down the paddock looking for her brother who has her daughter without a jacket, as soon as she saw jack she gave him hela's jacket making sure the little girl doesn't catch a cold  " i told you to take the jacket too "- she looked at her brother who just grinned and apologized for not double checking first   " sorry sis.. i wanted to show her around you know "- she chuckles and nodded  " well, next time please don't forget because she gets sick easily "- the siblings returned to the Mercedes hospitality where toto and susie  sat to relax before the chaos of the race start  , meanwhile.. Pierre and yuki and mick  got lost in luis and lusia  adorable giggle and little outfits  " kawaii"- yuki said softly  with pierre taking pictures of the two sainz  twins  " luis already looks more like you avery.."- pointed out mick smiling at the model  " everyone has been saying that.. but i think hes a more of a mix between me and carlos"- she returned the smile to the young german driver   " luisa is a daddy girl..right sweetheart "-Carlos teased his wife while kissing lusia chubby cheeks making her give him the look .. letting their friends laugh at their  playful banter.

It was lights out .. tension was higher after the sky started pouring rain .. making teams pitting their csrs for wets , track got slippery in turn 6and 2 more then the straights  " ok Carlos, your currently p3..russel in-front  be careful track has gotten more slippery so try to have grip on the car please "- Carlos race engineer said  " ok copy"- he tried to see as much as he could but the rain made it bit harder then intended  he can see the silver merc  infront so he tried to overtake during sector 3  " nice overtake it was smooth,.. now keep your focus.yellow flag in s2 i repeat yellow flag in s2... zhou and piastri are both out .. try to maintain s delta positive pace please "- carlos heard over the radio .. he almost lost grip at the tight turn in the track of monaco but he managed to turn without issue ..inside the redbull motor home.. avery whos sitting with her 3 children watched the race with worry.. the weather isnt getting any better she feared something bad would happen she doesn't understand what are the fia are thinking risking lives of the drivers.

Carlos took a deep breath.. he's trying to fight and keep his position as he had three cars on his tail and so close, Charles .. lando and Lewis.. " box box damage to the  back  Carlos you need to box "- he tried to compose himself hearing that he has to pit  " leclerc is under investigation for it.."- Carlos mentally cursed he gave him space and yet he hited the back of his car  "'ok.. copy "- coming into the pits the pit crew did a perfect time making Carlos return in p3 and not worse .. laps after laps passed and after what it seemed like forever... " Carlos! You are a world champion! I repeat i world champion mate! Vamos smooth operator "- cheers from the redbull garage can be heard, carlos felt like it was a dream.. finally after years of hard work  he now has a title .. tears filled his eyes as he removed his helmet and got greeted  and congratulated by everyone " dont cry you did it mate!"-smiled max pulling him in for a hug  the teammates broke apart then he saw his wife smiling carrying damian  .. he smiled wide at her and hugged them immediately  " im so proud of you! You did it "- Avery voice made him fall for her all over agin.. he pulled her for a kiss while their son playfully closed his eyes and said  " eww gross"- the two chuckled at their oldest child before placing kisses on his cheeks.

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