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Edinburgh/ uk..

Two best friends walked out of a cafe  trying to be  quick as they have a flight in 4 hours ..heading back to Monaco  " we should get our suitcases then immediately take the drive to the airport "- avery checked  her phone  again to make sure that their ride is near  " oh there he is! Come on ave we need to go or we may miss the flight "- the ride back to the hotel wasn't that long, and in matter of minutes the two
have already checked out and picked their suitcase from the lobby with averys bodyguard helping them get the thing in the van before leaving.. luckily no fans were crowding the back door of the hotel but some still managed to take a glimpse of them from the lobby.

On the plane , avery saw the news about her brother getting a knocked out of Q2 due to crashing in turn 3 of baku with the  blue redbull car  " he oversteered that caused the car to spin.. hes ok "- she reads the text max sent her knowing she would be so worried while her friend was working on  her laptop so she asked  " you didnt rest yesterday did you..?"- she looked at ella  waiting for her to reply  " a bit.. i only slept for 2 hours last night "- sighs the Austrian " sleep until we reach there", after long hours they finally landed and headed immediately to the hotel where they were welcomed by Daniel and max " hello ladies "- smiles Daniel hugged his sister and greeting ella " your rooms are ready.. oh and el your father told me to tell you that susie will arrive tomorrow "- said max paying attention to his phone .

The next day , the paddock entrance was packed with media reporters that made toto help the two young girls reach to a quite relaxing room "if you need anything oliver will help you "- toto left in a hurry as the race is about to start " ill go to the redbull side.. are you coming?"- avery asked while ella shook her head as a no , reaching towards the RB motor home she entered in with her pass and went straight to where the tv screen is placed. When suddenly a voice spoke " who are you!"- a women yelled " me? I am daniels sister why?" " dont lie he has only one sister! Your obviously not her"-the new RB worker never met avery so she thought shes a liar " i am indeed his sister im not a lair !i have my identification card too "- she talked back holding her anger " hey sam:. Umm what's going on?"- asked gp " this girl is a fraud "- sam said " oh her? No no shes avery ricc dannys lil sis " " omg im sorry miss .. i thought you were a fan that tried to break in"- the women left in embarrassment with avery sighing .

Hours later..

" why did you have to get drunk lan.."- carlos mentally cursed trying to help lando reach to the elevator of their  hotel   " do you need help.. Carlos ?"-asked ave as she  was just getting off the elevator  " umm yes please "- the two together made it easier to help a drunk Norris get to his hotel room with scanning the key card that avery got from his pocket  " ill lay  him down on the bed ...i got this you can leave "- carlos gently smiled at the girl  " also thank you "  " ok i gotta go anyways.. the magazine crew are waiting for me at the studio nearby for an interview "- avery told carlos  " oh ok.. take care "- with that the Australian girl left , lando groans as his head was hurting  " try to sleep lando it will help"- carlos helped him get covered with the blanket and turned the lights off  "o..ok"- mumbles lando as sleep took over fast .

two days later, max and avery sat together having lunch at a restaurant " how's work going?"- asked verstappen " good.. im getting more modeling offers "- smiled the Australian " um avey"- max slowly held her hand looking bothered about something " whats wrong emilian?"- she asked " are you still with that David.?"- he looked at her wanting her to be truthful " no"- she lied but with that max relaxed not knowing that it wasn't the truth " be careful please people like him are crazy and obsessed "  " don't worry about me maxie.."  " good.."- he mumbled as she texted her boyfriend to stay at her apartment in monaco until she returns ...

To be continued
<End of chapter 1>

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