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7 more chapters to go🫡❤️

Averys pov:
After feeling sick the past couple of days i had my doubts about me being pregnant with our second child. So i decided to go to have a check up in a nearby clinic , carlos is overseas in baku so ella offered to look after dami until i return.. i waited for my turn and soon i heard my name begin called out " mrs. Sainz?"- a lady asked " yes thats me"- she checked my id card and then walked me to a room where ill get checked if i am pregnant or not... after like 10 minutes i smiled happily.. im pregnant with twins! Thats amazing news " congrats mrs sainz it seems that your babies are in good health so far, also your around 3 weeks pregnant "- i nodded at her and thanked her while taking the appointments schedules.
End of her POV >>

Avery got inside the house and was greeted by ella and damian " how was he?"- she asked " he helped me take care of helena "- chuckled ella at her god son cuteness " so..? "- she looked at avery who dragged her to sit down on the couch " i am pregnant!"- ave cheered happily and then added " twins"- she grinned showing her friend the small file " aww congratulations bestie! Thats such amazing news.. bet Carlos will back immediately "- she laughed softly not to wake her little daughter up ...

Daniel looked at his sister " t..twins?"- he stuttered before smiled happily " thats great news.. did you tell carlos yet?"- he asked " no.. im waiting for him to return tomorrow so i could surprise him"- she looked at him and asked " you never told me why you retired dani"- she sighs " i guess i just felt like i wanted to try something else.. plus after winning two championships i think its enough.. for me "- he smiled at her " i know how hard things were when they left us without an explanation.. me and you we had to figure out lifr by ourselves, i got sponsored to be in karting and you got accepted then into an agency.. but we never gave up, look at us now..  you are one of the top models and your married to  a handsome   Spanish guy whos my friend"- he chuckles and then continued  " a sweet boy and another blessing on the way too..and me? A 2nd times f1  world champion. With. a successful career for myself , we made it avey .. with them or not we are fine with those who truthfully believe in us"- he softly strokes her hair as she leaned on his shoulder..  with damian sitting on his uncle hips .

The next day, Carlos slowly made his way in knowing that  his little family are probably asleep at this time, he entered the bedroom to see his wife still awake with their son watching tv " hola mi amors" -he smiled  and Damian jumped into his father embrace  " dada!"- the little boy was so happy seeing his father home  " did you miss daddy? I missed you too  "- he pressed a kiss on his sons forehead before sitting down beside his wife on the bed  " did you..do something to your hair ?"- asked Avery. " oh yeah i trimmed it a bit , it was bothering me honestly "- he grinned kissing her but pulled away when his son placed his little hand on his mouth not wanting his parents to kiss  , making avery laugh   .

Time skip..

Carlos opened the box avery placed infront of him ans when he saw whats inside he hugged her immediately  " twins?! "- he asked once more to be sure  " yes love we will have twins"- Avery cuddled with him as he kissed her cheek and small baby bump  " i cant believe ill be a father for two more"- the redbull driver admitted happily  "I love you sooo much mi corazon"- avery chuckled at her husband happiness and Damian looked at his parents confused but then returned his attention to the kids show  " i love you too carlito".



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Caption:  my little stitch 💙

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Max and Daniel sat with damian while Carlos and Avery were preparing snacks for the movie night " aww whats wrong buddy?"- Daniel asked his nephew " mama"- he wanted his mother to carry him, he's pouting at his two uncles after refusing to take his toy agin " one second baby.. i am helping daddy pour the drinks "- she said looking at her little son whos standing near the kitchen door, but he sat on the floor and frowns about to cry .. luckily Avery was done and carried his little form as he sticks his tongue out on his father " you little cute monster"-laughed Carlos while he's putting the popcorn inside the large bowls , " oh and what else did yuki say to lando i wanna know"- daniel got closer to max " he said at least he doesn't grow a beard just to look more older "- laughed max " he went there "- joined Daniel cracking up , hearing his uncle's laughter made damian giggle too " aw someone is happy today"- avery softly kissed her son's cheek " ave sit down.. its not good for you to overwork darling "- said carlos back hugging his wife " its boring to sit down do nothing "- she pouted " i know babe , but the safety of yourself and our twins is important "- he helped her sit down and then handed each one of them a blanket.

A knock on the door interrupted their movie , making max go check who it is.. he opened the door and saw someone he never expected to see.. at the same time hes here " hey guys! "- said charles with Pierre behind him and yuki holding grocery bags " oh avery invited us over .."- explained charles " lando is parking his car "- said pierre .. max lets them inside and when he did ella and lando reached to the door step " hi mate , el"- he greeted the couple and noticed that baby helena isn't with them so he asked " wheres baby hela?"- verstappen asked " oh shes with my parents at their hotel "- ella said make max nod .

After the movie has ended they all gathered on the table to have dinner which was different types of pizza and soft drinks " dada noo!"- complained Damian when carlos tried to brush his hair " come on dami "- he tried agin but his son jumped in his god father embrace making all of them chuckle at the little guy.. a while after they were done eating and almost all the guests had left except ella and daniel and lando " i have a feeling its gonna be girls"- said daniel " who knows maybe its a girl and a boy"- replied avery " well i dont mind.. either way its a blessing "- smiled carlos kissing averys cheek making damian throw his toy at him.. everyone laughed because of it " someone doesn't want his daddy to give kisses to his mommy.."- chuckles Daniel ruffling his nephew's hair.

To be continued
End of chapter 23

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