48| The End

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Carlos's POV

I deleted all the insane Carlos stuff because we don't talk about that.... anyways here's a normal ending. I screwed up this book, I know. Ive gotten a lot of messages from people that just started it and I wanted to make it better. Also, my friends deserve a better ending after helping me with this. So, kudos to the duck army! 

"Carlos," Stephanie began, "Are you in love with anyone?" 

"I don't really know." 

"So you're not?" 

"I can't really tell." 

We were both sitting in my families garden, planting seeds for my mother. "I wasn't expecting that," Stephanie said, "I thought a guy like you would have your eyes set on someone." 

I smiled, "I do. I'm just waiting for the perfect moment." 

"Maybe I'll be that Liar's Desire someday." 

"Since when did you get so poetic?" 

"Ever since I started reading books by the really cool author Kutoriaa." 

I watched Tristan carefully plant some sunflower seeds across from me. He seemed so happy to be surrounded by people. I could tell that he was getting tired of Tiffany and his so called 'friends.' 

"Carlos, I brought chocolate bread," Tristan said, "Should I take it out now?" 

"Sure," I said, "Thanks, Tristan!" 

He smiled and took out a brown paper bag from his backpack. 

"Oh thank the stars!" Stephanie exclaimed, "Carlos has been making me work for hours! I've been starved!" 

"It's not that bad, Stephanie." 

"Carlos Alonzo, it's ninety degrees outside." 

"Okay, I know its a little hot but---"

"A little?" Tristan laughed, "Yeah, no. It's an oven out here." 

It felt nice to hang out with the two of them. "Oh my gosh! Is this a garden hose? Carlos, you've been hiding this from us!" 

Stephanie turned the hose on and sprayed us all with water. I laughed and turned my head to face Tristan. 

"Refreshing!" he exclaimed, "Thanks Stephanie." 

I looked up at the clouds. I had told my father that I didn't want to be a spy anymore. I told him that I wanted to live a normal life like everybody else and that I didn't want to be constantly in danger. Occasionally, he would call me for a mission or two but at least it wasn't as frequent as it used to be. Plus, I guess I sort of enjoyed being a spy. Just not as frequently, it's a tough job! 

The sun began to blind me so I looked down at my feet. My slippers were all wet and my hair was drenched. 

I watched Tristan and Stephanie laugh as they sprayed each other with the hose. I loved my life and was sad just thinking about how my adolescence would be over in a few years. 

If my life was a book, I'd probably use that line Stephanie told me. What was it again? Oh, right! 

I'd name that book "Liar's Desire." 

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