18| Old Friends

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Tristan's POV


"Tristan! Go check the door," my mother yelled from upstairs. 

I got off the couch and checked the keyhole, it was Tiffany. She was pacing back and forth nervously and when I opened the door, she looked surprised. 

"Tristan! What took you so long?" she said, giving me a hug. 

"Tiffany, what are you doing here?" I asked her. I hadn't spoken with her in a while and I thought it was going to stay like that. 

"Lets go for a walk," she said, grabbing my arm. 

"Umma! I'm going out!" I yelled as Tiffany dragged me outside. 

"We're going to the market for soda," she said, "I want orange soda." 

"I guess I'll get cherry," I responded. This wasn't how I planned my day to go but I guess it would be a break from locking myself inside every day after school. 

After purchasing soda, we went to a local park and sat down on a bench. Tiffany was acting as if we hadn't stopped talking to each other. She acted like everything was normal and it was sort of comforting, like we had no problems and were simply just best friends like always. 

"Do you have a girlfriend yet?" she asked me, "Maybe Stephanie?"

I was stunned. How did she know that I drove Stephanie home? Was she watching me? 

"Kidding!" she exclaimed, taking a sip of her soda. Tiffany was acting like herself, making stupid jokes that would stun me and then everything would go back to normal. Except, how did she know Stephanie and I had interacted? 

"I love you," she began, "You're my best friend and not even Carlos or Stephanie can take that away from me."

"They aren't trying to take anything away from you, Tiff," I stated. 

"I know," she said, "Carlos won't be able to do that anyways." 

I just ignored her. Tiffany had always been a jealous person. She was the reason the friend group fell apart. She couldn't help the fact that other people talked to me besides her. 

"Who's your crush? You had one every week," I said. 

"Lets see," she said, "You! I'm in love with you!"

"What?" I responded, "Tiffany, I—"

She cut me off, "Kidding! Just kidding. Let's see. Maybe, Carlos?" 

"Kidding?" I said, I didn't believe a word she said. She was either going to say "Kidding!" or just ignore me. 

"Why would I be kidding?" she said, "I said Carlos, and I meant it!" 

I was about to say something but her mouth opened before mines, "Kidding." 

I got up to throw away my empty soda can. Tiffany was getting on my nerves. 

"Aw, are you mad at me?" she said as I sat back down. 

"Tiffany you always do this!" I exclaimed, "Can't you just be serious for once?" 

"Fine then," she said, the smile falling off her face, "Lets talk about us." 

"Us?" I asked. There wasn't much to talk about other than the fact that we hadn't talked in a while. 

She pulled my hair and I pushed her off the bench. It had caught me off guard and I just pushed her without thinking. 

"What was that for?" she laughed, "You had something in your hair."

"You couldn't just say that?" I asked. 

"Don't be over dramatic," she said, getting up, "You're smiling!" 

I was smiling a little bit but that was because she looked worthless on the ground. Did she not care about us bullying Carlos? She didn't, I just knew it. Tiffany didn't care about anyone but herself, and she didn't plan on changing. 

She threw out her soda and sat back down on the bench, "Tristan, do you care about me? About our friendship of nine years?" 

"Of course I do," I begun, "Where are you going with this?"

"Would you do anything for me?" she asked. 

"Maybe," I joked. Tiffany had been my friend ever since elementary. She was nice back then and I wanted to believe that deep inside, she still was. 

"Do me a favor," she said, "Can I have Carlos's address?" 

"Why?" I asked, "You're actually in love with him?"

"Of course not!" she said, sticking her tongue out, "I want to apologize." 

Hesitantly, I took out my phone and texted her his address. Tiffany just wanted to apologize, right? 

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