16| Mascara Tears

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Tiffany's POV

The second I opened my window, the cold air slapped me right in the face. 

My room was stuffy, extremely stuffy. It was probably because my parents were renovating the house and the smell of fresh paint was driving me insane. 

I lost all of my friends. Hinata, Brooke, and Tristan. Well, I didn't know if me and Tristan weren't friends anymore, he had been off lately to be honest. He stopped meeting me in room 216 ever since I mentioned Carlos again, but maybe I was just overthinking it. 

I was an overdramatic teenage girl so of course, my mascara was streaming down my face and my lipstick was all smudged from trying to wash the makeup off my face. I looked like a clown that tried doing its makeup for the first time; a horror scene. 

I rubbed and rubbed my makeup off and threw the towel on the bathroom floor. It wasn't fair, I hated how I was alone. It wasn't fair, my life was stolen from me. 

I hated school. 

I hated loosing all my friends. 

I hated loosing Tristan. 

His pretty smile that could light up the room, it was gone. The Tristan I knew was gone, all because of Carlos Alonzo. 

I picked up the towel and threw it into the laundry hamper. In the mirror, I saw a blonde girl that needed her roots touched up. In the mirror, I saw black tears and lipstick that was ruined not because of love, but because of sorrow. 

My school uniform was still on, a brown blazer and white collar shirt with a brown skirt. On my blazer, my name was spelt out on the chest in small letters, "Tiffany A."

My tie had come loose and I wasn't even going fix it. I just wanted to jump into bed and sob into my pillow because ever since Carlos came into my life, everything hadn't been the same!

I kicked the cabinet underneath the sink. I was frustrated, angry, and miserable, I was in distress!

An annoying ringing filled my ears and my head was throbbing. I was shivering due to the cold and horrendous weather outside and that didn't make things any better. 

The lights flickered and went out. I could hear the wind outside getting stronger and I could hear the hail bang against the windows. 

I didn't even care that I had left my bedroom window open. I knew I had left it open, but I just didn't care, my high school years were over!

While sitting on my bathroom floor sobbing, I realized something. Maybe my life didn't need to be over. In fact, Carlos's life was about to be over and Tristan would be my friend and my friend only. 

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