3| Snow

86 37 40

Stephanie's POV

"Stay outside this house for a little," I said, "I'm waiting for someone."

My dad parked the car outside of Elizabeth's house and waited for her. I thought I would be all fancy by pulling up to her house in my dads pretty black Audi but was quickly humbled when I saw the Lamborghini in her driveway, you can't compare an Audi to that. 

"Nice car!" I yelled as I saw her walk through the front car, "Must've been expensive." 

Elizabeth laughed and climbed in the backseat, "Thanks for taking me to school today, I can't believe my driver got covid." 

"It's no problem, Elizabeth," I replied, "It's my pleasure." 

"No need to get all fancy, Steph," she commented, "It looks horrible on you."

We both laughed and put on our seatbelts. Elizabeth had been my best friend since kindergarten because our parents were so close to the point we called each others parents aunty and uncle! 

"Look at all that snow!" I exclaimed, "Maybe our school will be sympathetic and let us have a snow day tomorrow." 

"I doubt it," Elizabeth responded, "Honestly, they'd probably say it's warm enough to do physical education outside too." 

Ding! Someone had sent me a message. I thought about taking my phone out of my pocket but Elizabeth was talking to me and I didn't want to see rude. Elizabeth had always been respectful to me so I was going to do the same, despite being a "delinquent." 

Ding! Dingding! DING! I turned on do not disturb and turned my phone upside down. 

"You should check it, seems important," Elizabeth commented. 

I picked up my phone and saw that my mother had sent me a couple of messages. It explained how work would run long and how she might not be home for New Years. 

I sighed and put it down, "Just my mom. Liz don't get me wrong I love her but she works like she's about to loose her job at any given moment! She practically lives there!" 

Elizabeth looked at me solemnly, "It's okay, Steph, maybe a miracle will happen and you guys can spend New Years together like a family!" 

"Mhm," I replied, "Sure." 

"Have a good day at school, Stephanie!" my father said, "Make sure you get them grades up!" 

I gave him and awkward smile and got out of the car. Some people were shoveling snow and a bunch of students were standing in the field shivering because of how cold it was. 

The principal came up to me with a shovel in his hand, "Shovel." 

I gave him a confused look and took the shovel from him, "I went to detention yesterday though!"

"You left halfway," he began, "Now you'll finish what you owe me."

I began to shovel the entrance and realized that the door to get inside wouldn't open because of all the snow. 

"Ugh! All this snow is driving me insane!" I whispered, "Stupid school won't give us a stupid snow day." 

Carlos approached me with a shovel in his hand, "Maybe I could punch a hole through the window like I did with your punching bag!" 

He took the shovel and hit the snow at the bottom of the double doors, "This should do it." 

The doors were finally able to open and I dropped the shovel. The principal announced that everyone could go inside and all the students in the field rushed into the school. 

"Warmth!" someone yelled. 

I saw the principal thank Carlos and soon everyone was inside the school. 

Carlos walked up to me, "This is better than shoveling, am I right?" 

"Thanks, Carlos," I said in a sarcastic tone, "I love the feeling of being warm on a cold winter day!"

"So you'd rather be in the cold?" he said, "Go outside then, Stephanie." 

"Fine! Thank you!" I rolled my eyes, I was thankful but hated saying it. 

"I'll take that," Carlos said, "You're welcome!"  

The amount of force needed to break all that snow would be a lot so I couldn't help but think about the amount of muscle training he has done to reach that sort of strength. 

"Since I broke your punching bag, what are you going to take your anger out on?" Carlos asked me. 

"I bought a new one with the money you gave me. That reminds me, take the remaining," I said, handing him an envelope. 

He pushed my hand back gently, "Keep it, I don't want it." 

"But this is an absurd amount of money," I said, "What do I do with it?" 

He just walked off again. 

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