11| Running to Nowhere

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Tristan's POV

I was always saying things that I would regret. First, I constantly degraded Carlos at our old school and now, I had called Stephanie a poor girl while giving her a ride home.

My mother was not happy with my behavior at all, "How could you say such things to that girl?"

"I'm sorry! It's just--," I stopped myself from saying anything else. I had gone to Carlos's school to give him his gloves because he left them at my house when he came over for dinner.

"You know what? You're grounded!" my mother took my phone and I just let her. I probably deserved it.

I went to my room and closed the door. Carlos already hated me and now Stephanie probably did too.

Thump. I laid down on my bed and stared at my ceiling. I honestly had no friends. Carlos wasn't my friends, Tiffany wasn't my friend, Hinata wasn't my friend, Brooke wasn't my friend, I had no friends.

Maybe I could punch another mirror, for fun I thought, though Carlos wouldn't be there to help me clean up the glass.

I got up and punched the wall. Since I never left my bed and barely went out anymore, I was weak. I punched the wall again, and again, and againagaingainagainagain.

My fist was all bruised at that point and I just fell to my knees.

"What's all that noise?" my mother yelled from the living room.

She. Was. So. Annoying. I got up and went back to laying down on my bed looking miserable.

She sat next to me and took a deep breathe, "Areyouokay?"

"What?" I responded, "Huh?"

"Are you okay?" she repeated slowly.

"I think so," I assured her, "Yeah, I'm still alive." No one had asked me if I was okay so I was a bit shocked at the question.

"But you look dead," she commented.

"Sorry," I said. I felt bad that she was worrying about me and honestly, I didn't know how to make her NOT worry.

She gave me a hug, "I don't want you to apologize, I want you to get your math grade up."

"What?" I asked dumbfoundedly, "But I'm trying my best."

"Then try harder, I don't know!" she said.

She got up and left. Thats it. I was running away.

I got a backpack from my closet and shoved some water, freeze dried fruit packets, clothes, a flashlight, and whatever else that could fit that would benefit me.

With my backpack on my back, I approached my bedroom window. My mother was in the living room so I couldn't escape from downstairs. But, my house was five floors so I had no other choice but to cross my fingers that the impact wouldn't be too bad.

I counted 3, 2, 1 and THUD. I had landed without any injuries thanks to a soft patch of grass I landed on.

"Tristan? The hell are you doing?" a nearby voice said.

Oh no. Was I caught already? I looked up and saw Carlos who had a concerned look on his face.

"What? No! The front door is locked and my mom needs groceries!" I exclaimed.

Carlos looked worried and offered me his hand, "But your backpack is full?"

Through the downstairs window, I could see my father was heading towards the garden so I had to grab my bike before he got there. I sprinted faster than I ever had before and peddled off. I didn't know where I would go but I knew it was for the best...maybe.

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