33| Field Trip

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Tristan's POV

The rain went pitter patter against the window. Our school was going on a field trip and even though a month ago I had been really excited. Now, I just wanted to stay at home. The last time I had gone on a field trip was years ago but now, I was six hours away from home next to Hinata on a school bus.

"Look! I think we're in the city!" Tiffany exclaimed from the back of the bus.

I looked out my window and I could see buildings, lots of them. There was smoke going up into the air and it looked pretty polluted.

But, besides the cons, it looked beautiful. I had never been in a city before so this was new for me. I started to feel a little bit excited and I think I even smiled.

"Tristan, don't look so down," Hinata stated, "This will be fun. You, me, Tiffany, and Brooke!"

Hinata was trying to deny the fact that our friend group went corrupt. He wanted the four of us to be a friend group again and so did Tiffany and Brooke. Me, on the other hand, had to act like I wanted that too.

Here's what happened: My mom got mad at me and took away my phone. My grades were slipping and I wasn't going out as much as I used to so, she told me that if I could get my life back on track and prove to her that I was getting better, I could have my phone back and eat tteokbokki as a reward.

Somehow, I managed to get my grades above a ninety and started to hang out with Tiffany, Hinata, and Brooke. That was enough for my mom to believe I was better.

Despite my mother offering it to me, I didn't eat the tteokbokki. Though, I did get my phone back. I had four-hundred-fifty-six messages from Carlos.

He wanted to know how I was doing.

I sent him a message saying, "I'm going out of town," about twelve hours ago and he marked me as 'read.' Later, I would explain to him that I got my phone taken away. I would tell him that I was sorry, that I was fine and we could talk once I got back. That was, if he wanted to, of course.

Halt. "We're at the hotel!"

Mr. Baker told us to get into a line so that we could enter our hotel rooms.

"We're sharing right, Tristan?" Hinata gave me a light smile and grabbed my wrist, "Let's go see our room!"

I nodded my head and we both took the elevator upstairs to room twelve-A.

The hotel room was white, white, and white. I think the only thing that wasn't white was the bed frame, which was wood and dark brown.

Hinata jumped on the bed, "I wonder who else is sharing a room with us!"

On cue, the door opened. Chris and Ben walked in, wearing their uniform all prim and proper. They were apart of the student council and made it their whole personality. Plus, they were rich but incredibly smart. The perfect students.

"Yo, Trissy!" Ben exclaimed as he punched my shoulder, "Haven't seen you in a while!"

"We go to the same school. You see me every day," I really didn't want to share a room with those two.

"Lighten up a little! You always look so dull," Chris sat on the edge of the bed and crossed his arms.

"Wait, aren't you the one who bullied that Charles kid into leaving our school? Carlos? I forgot his name." Ben was glaring at me and I froze, he knew about it?

I started to stammer, "That was— it was— I— how do—," I had no idea what to say.

"Oh yeah! You're a jerk, aren't you?" Chris got off the bed and stood next to Ben.

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