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Stephanie's POV

"Can you hear me, Stephanie?"

Carlos and I were hiding behind a bush. I had my earpiece on and it seemed to be working. It was time to break into Baeok's home.

"Yeah, it works. I'll try to find a window that I can get through," I whispered.

I walked up to a window and tried to unlock it. To my surprise, it opened pretty quietly and I was able to sneak in without any issues.

"I'm in," I whispered, "Carlos, keep an eye on his security cameras."

"He's sleeping at his work desk downstairs right now. No need to worry," Carlos assured me.

I snuck upstairs and shuffled through some papers. I needed to find a certain document but there must've been at least one thousand papers on the table.

DING! Carlos's phone sounded really loud through my earpiece, "Carlos, who could you be texting at a time like this?"

"Tristan hasn't responded to my messages but I guess he has his own life too. It was stupid of me to pry into life anyways."

"It'll be fine," I assured him, "Tristan still has some friends I think."

"That's the thing," Carlos began, "I don't trust any of them. Plus, It's been a week! First he couldn't respond since he was grounded and now he wont text back again despite having his phone back. Do you think he's ignoring me on purpose?"

"Right now, I'm just trying not to get killed by some middle aged Korean man," I replied.

I found the document that had the heading Carlos asked me to search for, '3278.'

"Taeyeon, I thought you already went to bed," the door began to open and I quickly leaped underneath the table.

My leg felt wet so I reached for my ankle. I thought that I had maybe tipped over a glass of water or something but it stung really badly. I looked at my hand and saw blood, lots of it. My foot was tuck on something and my heart began to race. I messed up last times mission and I had to just hope that I wouldn't mess this one up too.

Mr. Baeok looked around the room and shrugged. He closed the door and I tried to yank my foot out of whatever it was stuck on but it just made the pain even worse.

"Carlos, save me again," I groaned, "Please."

It took him around five minutes to get into the room that I was in. Carlos kneeled down and tried to get my ankle out of whatever it was stuck on but it hurt really badly.

I began to sweat but not because of the pain. The room was getting hot, really hot. I could smell smoke and I looked to my left, "Carlos, am I hallucinating or do you see that too?"

He stopped trying to get my foot out of whatever it was stuck on and looked to his right, "He lit a fire. Stephanie, this room has no windows."

I didn't care about the pain anymore. I yanked my foot out of whatever it was stuck on and crawled out from under the table. My ankle was bleeding a lot so Carlos tied two of my socks together. He tied the socks around my ankle in attempt to stop the bleeding but the fire was spreading and smoke was filling the room.

He tried the door knob but it didn't work, "Carlos, punch the door! Maybe you can make a hole?"

"It wont budge! I'm not superhuman, Stephanie! We're going to die here!"

"Don't say that! We're not going to die!"

Suddenly, Carlos just stopped trying the door and fell to his knees. Tears filled his eyes and the fire wasn't stopping.


He was just staring into space as he kneeled in front of the door. I had no idea what was going on with him.

I stood up and limped towards the door. I tried to open the door but it still wouldn't open. Smoke was filling the room and it was getting harder and harder to breath, "Carlos! What are we supposed to do?"

"They tried to kill me."

"Who?" I asked. Carlos was still sitting there staring into space.

"It's happening all over again."

I had no idea what he was talking about but we were going to die there if some miracle didn't happen, "Whats happening all over again?"

"Brooke. Fire. Tiffany. Tristan. Mianhae. Hinata. This," he was muttering a bunch of names and words but I had no idea what he was referring to.

"Have you ever been in this position before?"

Carlos's POV

I knew the answer to that question. I had been in this position before but, for some reason, what I wanted to say wouldn't fall out of my mouth.

My heart was racing and my mind went blank. It was last year all over again. Except this time, remembering last year made the situation worse.

"Carlos!" Stephanie exclaimed, "Snap out of it!"

How was I supposed to do that, Stephanie? I wanted to forget about it but for some reason, my mind decided to take me back to when it first happened. When this first happened.

Suddenly, I sprung up and started banging on the door. I needed to get out of there. I couldn't breathe and my chest hurt.

Not here, not now, I thought, I don't want to die. Please, anyone. Someone, please.

The door opened, "What's going on over here?"

Mrs. Baeok was standing in front of me and I quickly took Stephanie's hand. I pulled her up and her arm was around my shoulder, "Told you we wouldn't die here!"

"What are you kids doing here?" Mr. Baeok asked, "You're lucky that my wife saved you. If it was up to me, I would've let you rot in there."

I knew what I had to say but I couldn't bring myself to say it. I saw the confused look in Stephanie's eyes as Mrs. Baeok went to put out the fire. She had no idea what to say.

I was still hooked on what had happened in the past and I hated remembering it. I hated how much it bugged me even more.

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