45| Sweet Revenge

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Carlos's POV 

"I'm back," Tristan said as he entered the room with a new shirt on, "I found this in my suitcase." 

"Is it true that you hit your head on the bathroom mirror and ended up in the hospital because of it?" 

"Woah, Carlos. That's a lot. And, what?" 

"Tiffany told me." 

"Of course she did," He took a deep breath and sat next to me, "It's really not that bad, it was just something stupid." 

"What did you do this time?" 


"That surely isn't nothing." 

He sighed, "I guess you should know." 

After he finished explaining, I asked him, "Did you slip into a coma after? Or was Tiffany lying about that too?" 

"Yeah, I did." 

"What did you see?" 

"I saw many things. I saw you. I saw Tiffany. I saw a little girl. I saw lots of people, even Stephanie," Tristan laughed, "I really don't know what it meant." He looked at me with a vacant expression on his face, "Want to watch duck videos until Hinata and the others get back?" 


He took out his computer and opened up a YouTube playlist, "I have three duck playlists for all different things. One for them playing around, one for them eating bread, and one for them being friendly with humans." 

"You really love ducks, don't you?" 

"I adore them," I opened up my backpack and took out a bunch of chocolate straws, "You can use these or just eat them. Though, I prefer them with milk but I don't want to go downstairs just for that." 

"I've had these before, I love these!" I exclaimed. 

Knock, knock. 

Hinata opened the door but quickly shut it before Ben could walk in. I quickly crawled underneath the bed and tried to come up with a quick plan. I'll just wait until they all fall asleep, then I can sneak out, I thought. 

The door creaked open and at the worst possible time, my phone went ding! 

"What was that?" Chris asked as he looked around the room. I really wanted to just grab his leg and watch a terrified expression fill his face. 

"I hit my leg against the bed frame, I guess it made a weird noise!" Tristan laughed. 

Quickly, I checked my phone. It was Stephanie. I told her I was going to find Tristan but I forgot to tell her I had already left. 

I put my phone in my back pocket and continued to listen in on their conversation. "We're going to the hotel pool, wanna come with?" Ben asked Tristan. 

"He obviously doesn't want to come. He obviously forgot how to swim after waking up from his coma," Chris stated. 

"I can swim," Tristan began, "But still. I don't want to go to the pool today. I don't think I'll go at all during this trip." 

"Wow, you're that insecure?" Chris suggested, "Come on your surgery scars can't be that bad." 

"I'm not," Tristan said, "I'm not insecure." 

"Oh yeah? Then come with us," Chris said. 

"We're not even friends, why are you so hooked on trying to get me to go with you guys?" Tristan asked. 

"Fair enough. See you later, Tristan," Ben said as he dragged Chris out of the room. 

"Wait for me!" Hinata yelled as he ran after them. He was mumbling some Japanese words that I couldn't understand. He rushed out the door and I crawled out from underneath the bed. 

"I hate them all," I began, "Hinata, Ben, and Chris." 

"Why Hinata?" Tristan asked. 

"Are you forgetting something?" 

Tristan nodded, "Right, that. Carlos, I know the bullying was bad but did it ever affect you?"

"It did. You guys tormented me, you really think I was sane during all of that?" 

"How bad was it?" 

"You out of all people should know how bad it was. I would've done what you did if I wasn't stuck doing missions all the time," I muttered. 

"Missions? And Carlos you—" 

I cut him off, "I meant getting commissions!" 

"Carlos, don't—"

"Yeah!" I exclaimed, "Commissions for drawing stuff!" 

Tristan and I both knew for a fact that I couldn't draw. We used to be in the same art class, I couldn't draw an apple if my life depended on it. He sighed and I turned my head to face the other way. 

I had found out the truth about what had really happened so I guess it was time to go home, "I'm going home, Tristan." 

"See you in a few weeks," he said. 

"See you." 

I put my stuff together and ran out of the hotel. Tristan did some stupid things, that was that. I was bullied in the past, that was that. There's no changing the fact that all of that happened but there was one thing I could do despite all of that. 

I would get revenge. 

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