2| Story Unfolded

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Stephanie's POV

As I walked home Carlos followed me. He didn't look frail or weak or like bullying material but I guess he was targeted for something other than his appearance.

"Do you know why they targeted you?" I asked, "Did you say something stupid?"

Our eyes met and he smiled, "It was amusing to them."

"Yeah but there's gotta be more of a reason than that," I commented.

"My dad," he began, "He's a millionaire and they thought I was trying to buy my way into the school while the rest had to study hard to get in."

"Make sense," I replied, "You could've just reported them y'know, people report me all the time!"

He laughed, "If I reported them they could get suspended. If my dad found out, he'd have them suspended and if they got suspended or even expelled, that would give the rest all the more reason to think I tried to buy my way in!"

"If you didn't want your dad finding out, how'd you leave?" I asked.

"I told my dad that they didn't have the clubs that I wanted to join, that I wasn't happy attending that school," he replied.

Usually, I never pity people but this guy was just depressing.

I took my keys out of my backpack and opened my front door.

"This is your house?" Carlos asked.

"No dummy, we're breaking into someone elses!" I sarcastically replied.

"What I meant was your house is so pretty! It looks so modern," he said.

I nodded my head and signaled for him to go inside.

We went down to my basement, "This is our at home gym...sorta."

My house's gym had punching bags, dumbbells, weights, a treadmill, box of jump ropes and whatever, and a pull up bar.

"This looks like it took a lot of work to put together," he commented.

"Yeah, took my dad and I two days!" I exclaimed, "How hard can you punch?"

I got a pair of boxing gloves from a box in the corner and handed them to Carlos, "Here. Try 'em on."

He put them on and punched the punching bag, "Am I doing this correctly?"

On his first hit, the punching bag got a hole in it. I stared dumbfounded at the punching bag and my eyes quickly shifted to Carlos, "Why didn't you hit those kids that bullied you like that?"

"Why did I walk into a strangers home?" he replied, "I don't know."

My punching bag wasn't made of cheap material so that punch must've been really strong.

He opened his backpack and took out a stack of cash, "For the damages."

He walked up the stairs and left.

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