29| Exposed

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Stephanie's POV

"I barely know Tristan," I began, "I want to know more about him." 

"Why?" Tiffany asked, "If you don't even know him, why would you want to know about him?" 

"We didn't have the best first interaction," I said, "I believe that there's more to him that just that." 

"Why not just talk to him?" she asked. 

"Well if you're willing to tell me, it'll be less awkward than me asking him," I responded. 

Tiffany and I were in a cafe. She was sitting on the chair opposite mine and she was stirring her orange juice. 

"He bullied Carlos," she said, "He was a horrible person. Tristan would burn Carlos using a hair iron, lock him in the janitors closet drenched in water, and degraded Carlos." 

"And he made the decision to do that himself?" I asked, "No one influenced him?" 

"Well, it was out friend group who did the bullying," she said, "But Tristan was the worst out of all of us." 

"But it was his idea?" I asked. 

"My ideas his actions," she said, "He still did it." 

"Have you two talked to each other at all?" I asked. 

"Yeah," she said, "But he randomly left after I suggested going to one of our old hangout areas." 

"I see," I said, "Are you two still close?" 

"He's my best friend," she said, "We both care about each other a ton!" 

"And he feels the same way?" I asked. 

She hesitated, "I hope so." 

We said our goodbyes and I took a taxi home. I was right, Tristan did bully Carlos. Even though Tristan bullied him, he seemed to regret it a lot. 

I got out of the taxi but I didn't want to home just yet. I walked to my favorite spot; a bridge that had a beautiful view of fish and lily pads. 

"Tristan?" I whispered to myself. I saw him throwing pieces of bread into the water. 

I approached him and took a piece of leftover bread out of my purse. I ripped it up into smaller pieces and tossed the pieces towards the ducks. 

We stood there silently for a few moments until Tristan decided to speak, "I'm really sorry about the car incident." 

I threw another piece of bread into the water, "I already forgave you, remember?" 

"That doesn't change the fact that I was rude towards you," he said, "Is there any way that I can make it up to you?" 

"Lets hang out some time," I said, "Are you free tomorrow?" 

"Tomorrows Sunday," he said, "I guess I'm not doing anything." 

When he ran out of bread, he took out half of a baguette from his backpack. 

"The ducks are eating well today," I laughed, "Lets go to a cafe together tomorrow. I'll put my number into your phone." 

Hesitantly, he took out his phone. He put in his password and I put my number into his phone. 

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow," he said, stuffing the rest of the bread into his backpack. 

"Where'd you even get all that bread from?" I asked. 

"Tiffany gave me a bunch of bread a week ago," he said, "I found it on my doorstep with an envelope." 

"What did the letter say?" I asked, "You don't have to tell me, just curious." 

"It was just a bunch of photos of my old friend group," he said. 

He left and I continued to rip small pieces of bread up to feed the ducks. I wanted to know more about Tristan and I knew exactly how I was going to. 

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