40| Chocolate Croissant

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Tristan's POV

That night, Elle called me. She asked me to meet her at "Petit Cheri Cafe" to get coffee.

I got out of the taxi and ran up to her. "You showed up!" She exclaimed.

"This field trip is so boring, I can't wait to go home."

"And leave me?"

Every time she made that pouty face, it reminded me of Tiffany. I tried not to think about the whole Carlos and Tiffany thing but I couldn't get my mind off it, I wanted answers but I wasn't going to ask.

I hadn't noticed that her and I were speaking in Korean until some random middle aged woman walked up to us and yelled, "Speak French! You're in France!"

I had seen this happen on American television before but never in real life. I just stared at her until Elle said, "Oui oui, baguette!"

She grabbed my arm and pulled me into the cafe. The woman didn't follow us so we just sat down at some random table.

The second I started reading the menu, I forgot about how unstable my relationship with food was.

"What's wrong? You don't like the menu?"

"It's fine."

When the waiter came to take our order, I didn't order anything. I ate a piece of toast at the hotel, that was enough for the day or maybe even the week.

"Two chocolate croissants!" Elle exclaimed as she handed him our menus, "You can eat dairy, right?"

I nodded, "You didn't have to, you know."

"I want to."

"You can take the other one home, I don't want it."

"I'll shove it down your throat," she smiled as she stirred her hot chocolate, "I love dipping my croissants in hot chocolate. You should try it!"

I smiled and nodded, I didn't want to suffocate today.

Soon, the waiter brought out our food and it was time for me to face my battle of the day.


The bread tasted good, better than the burnt toast I had that morning. My happiness was soon ruined after I began to feel nauseous. I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

That horrified me, was I abnormal?

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