23| Snowmen Army

45 17 12

Elizabeth's POV

When people look at you, they instantly judge you. That judgment can be good or it can be bad. 

Most people see me for what I wear. I wear a school uniform but outside of school, I mostly wear designer and expensive clothing. That doesn't make me any less of a person and I hate when people see me for just that. 

"Lizzy!" Stephanie yelled, "Look at the snowman I made! It kind of looks like Carlos." 

"Oh yeah!" I responded, "Is it going to walk off just like him?"

Stephanie laughed but I could remember her telling me all sorts of things about Carlos. I had only seen him at the hospital and during their little break in but honestly, he sounded like a lot. First of all, he broke Stephie's punching bag. Second of all, she said that he would constantly walk off mid conversation. And lastly, I had a feeling that Stephanie was in love with him. 

"Whats so good about some hispanic kid?" I asked, "Not like you guys can talk in French to each other." 

"He does speak French!" she exclaimed, "He speaks Spanish, French, English, and probably more!" 

"Thats impressive," I responded, "If he was rich, he would be the whole package." 

"He is rich!" she exclaimed, "But I still can't tell if it's love or not." 

Seeing my best friend head over heals for some guy was kind of funny. The fact that she was denying being in love with him when she clearly was in love with him was even funnier. 

I threw a snowball at her and she threw one right back at me. The snowball had a rock in the middle but she threw it at my leg instead of my face. 

"Ouch!" I exclaimed, "What was that for, Stephanie?"

"You'll be fine," she said, "It's karma for the time that you threw a snowball with a rock in it at me!" 

"Okay, okay," I said, "No more rock-snowballs." 

She helped me up and we sat down on a bench. We were making an army of snowmen in my backyard and eve though it felt childish, it was really fun. 

"Why does it look like Carlos?" I asked her, "Doesn't it look like the ten other snowmen we made?" 

"No," she began, "It's wearing the jacket that Carlos gave me!" 

The snowman was wearing a black puffy winter jacket and was wearing a red scarf. 

"I made the scarf," she said, "My mother taught me how to knit when I was younger." 

"Are you sure that you're not in love?" I asked, "It seems like you are." 

"What were you doing in that place Carlos and I broke into?" Stephanie asked. 

"It was a business party but I guess Mr. Esterson wasn't who my family thought he was," I said. 

Stephanie hugged me, "I'm so glad we're friends!" 

"That was random," I commented. 

"It feels nice to have a best friend that you can tell everything to, yeah?" she said. 

"Yeah," I said, "Everything." 

I didn't have any secrets that I kept from Stephanie. She knew everything about me and I knew everything about her. Though, I couldn't help but think that there was something I didn't know about Stephanie. I had a feeling that there was more to their break in than just Stephanie's craziness. 

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