13| Is it Love?

61 27 47

Carlos's POV

I saw Stephanie close her eyes and my heart started racing. Was she dead? I hoped not. I pointed my gun towards Mr. Davis, "None of us have Esterson's card, you're too scared to try and find it yourself?"

Mr. Esterson had died at ninety-four a while ago. He said that he would give his credit card and money to whoever found it first. Right after he announced that he had hid it, my father had found it right after his death while the police investigated his house. My father never used the card, just kept it hidden so safely not even I knew where it was. 

Both of us had our guns pointed at each other but if I shot, he'd shoot me back. 

Stephanie, wake up! I repeated in my mind, hoping that maybe she'd use her taser on him. 

My heart was racing and Stephanie was maybe dead, hopefully not but maybe dead. 

"Gosh you all are so stupid!" I heard a voice say. 

She looked exactly like the girl in the painting, "Stephanie?"

The girl ran towards Stephanie and hugged her maybe lifeless body with tears in her eyes, "I'm telling my father that the deal is off!" 

Mr. Davis put his gun down and said "Elizabeth!" but I just shot him before he could say anything else, he was pissing me off. 

I called an ambulance and gave my phone to Elizabeth. As the dispatcher gave Elizabeth instructions on what to do, I opened the safe. It was really empty and spacious inside but there was a sticky note that said, "938290." 

I wrote it down and closed the safe. Elizabeth was crying her eyes out so I figured that the two knew each other. 

Paramedics rushed in and I didn't know what to think, did I actually care about Stephanie or did I just see her as my partner in crime? 

Elizabeth approached me as they took Stephanie away, "Do you think she'll be alright?" 

"I have a feeling that this wasn't her first time getting hurt badly. Maybe not bullet badly, but I think she can take it," I responded. 

Elizabeth handed me my phone and I saw that Stephanie had left me a message. 

Stephanie: 'Ugh I met this really rude guy that apparently went to your old school earlier today. I wouldn't be surprised if he bullied you in your old school.' 

My immediate thought was Tristan since he had came to my school to give me my gloves since I left them at his house. Tristan being rude? I thought he decided to stop being malicious and actually be a decent human being? Maybe not, maybe he was still the same person that he used to be. Though, I was still confused as to why I could hear him talking to his mirror through the bathroom door. 

The next day, Elizabeth and I had gone to visit Stephanie together since we figured that she would be awake. 

"Stephanie!" I exclaimed, "You're awake!" 

"That mission---," Stephanie began to say. 

I gave her a look that said, "Stop talking." I knew that she would say something in front of Elizabeth that she wasn't suppose to say. 

"Mission?" Elizabeth said in a confused tone, "What exactly were you both doing there? Especially you, Stephanie." 

"We broke in!" Stephanie began, "You know me, doing stupid things!"

Elizabeth believed her and hugged her, "Never do that again! Cut back on the craziness, will you?"  

Elizabeth had to go somewhere else so I got my driver to drive Stephanie and I home. We both got in the back of the car and took out our phones. 

"This," I showed her the message she had sent, "Was he Korean with dark wavy hair in a uniform that had a brown blazer?" 

"Yeah!" Stephanie responded, "He's such a jerk!" 

I knew that was Tristan because he was the only person at my old school that fit that description, "How'd you guys meet?" 

"I was freezing!" she exclaimed, "You were acting so irritable I decided to just not ask you for a ride home." 

"Sorry," I said, "How can I make it up to you." 

"By recalling the past!" Stephanie exclaimed, "You seemed to just forget that you got bullied!" 

Did Stephanie not understand that she wasn't suppose to mention that in the car since my driver is nosy and will most definitely report anything he finds odd to my parents? 

She kept bickering on and on about it and I had enough, did she not understand the first time? Or the time after that? 

In an attempt to shut her up, I took her left hand and put my finger to her lip again. She got all flustered and turned around to look out the window. 

Thats when I realized how romantic what I had just done. And now, she would view it as romantic! Oh no, what had I just gotten myself into? 

Honestly, I think I was trying to deny my feelings for Stephanie. I knew I was trying to deny my feelings for her. In fact, I was getting tired of denying my love for her. 

I turned around and looked out my window, this is gonna end well. 

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