35| Void

44 10 34

Tristan's POV


Maybe, I was dead. I pinched myself and couldn't feel anything. Maybe this was the afterlife? No, I definitely wasn't dead.

I opened my eyes and looked at my hands. Bloody fists and bandages. I was sitting at a desk and the teacher was going on and on about some math problem.

I was in my school uniform, I could tell because of my sleeves and trousers.


I turned to look behind me. It was Carlos. He was holding his leg and he looked like he was in pain.

"You okay?"

He looked at me like I was insane. That's when I realized, we were wearing the same uniform. The same brown blazer, red tie, and black trousers with a white button up shirt.

He looked to his left and right then back at me, "Are you talking to me?"

"No, I'm talking to the ghost behind you. Yes, you Carlos!"

He blinked a couple of times but my heart skipped a beat when the teacher hit the board with a ruler, "Eyes up here, boys!"

I turned around and listened to her boring lecture. I had already learned this. What was I doing back here? Why was I there?


Everyone rushed out of the classroom and I just sat there. The teacher walked out and it was just Carlos and I.

"What up, Tris!"

Tiffany looked different. No, the same. Wait, what?

She was smiling and her hair looked like it had been dyed blonde recently. It really was Tiffany. But why did she seem so different yet familiar?

I got up to leave but Tiffany blocked the door and whispered, "Make sure to tell Hinata to give the gasoline to Brooke during fifth period."

Gasoline? Brooke? What was she talking about?

Oh, right. This was that.

"Move, Tiffany," I began, "I need to get to my lunch period."

"Right behind you!" She exclaimed, "I just need to talk to Carlos really quickly."

This didn't happen last time. Had I completely lost it? Maybe this did happen but I just didn't remember it? No, I remembered that day pretty clearly. This didn't happen.

I pressed my ear against the door and I could hear Tiffany and Carlos talking to each other. I couldn't make out the words that they were saying but I figured it was just her degrading him or something.

She opened the door, "I thought you went already, lets go!"

I looked at Carlos. He was staring at the words written on his desk. I had written some of those words.

I watched Tiffany walk off and turn back to look at me. I put my finger up hoping that she'd understand that I needed a minute.

"Carlos," He got up and started to leave but I grabbed his arm, "Wait."

He yanked himself free from my grasp and ran out. I looked at the insults written on his desk, 'Dirty, toff, dumb, stupid,' and so on.

Creak. The classroom closet had some cleaning supplies. I had done this before and even though this wasn't reality, I was going to do it again.

I scrubbed the ink off of his desk but the carvings still remained. About half an hour later, I was done and the bell had yet to ring. The desk that people would vandalize was his homeroom desk. No one else got to sit there so people would write on it to taunt him. I was one of them. I had scrubbed the words off his desk though, he had still read it.

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