44| Where's Joseph

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Elle's POV

I know a lot of people hate her but this is the last time! Plus, maybe you'll enjoy this one! I think its a bit lighthearted and nice before Carlos decides that he--- never mind! 

"First of all, you lied to me. Second of all, where is Joseph?" Briella yelled as she slammed her fists on the table, "We've been roommates for only one month and this happens!" 

"I had to find a way to calm you down!" I began, "So what I lied about finding him? I found chocolate stains so maybe if we follow those, we can find him?" 

"Why did you follow it before?" 

I shrugged and looked out the window. It was going to start raining sooner or later so we needed to go now or never. 

"Lets go," I exclaimed, "Lets go find Joseph!" 

"You're acting like this is some sort of film. This is my brother we are talking about!" 

"Not my fault he somehow escaped while I was doing my homework." 

"Uh, yeah it is, Elle." 

We ran outside and followed the alleged chocolate stains, I hope it was just chocolate, and came to a stop. 

"There's no more chocolate," Briella said as she crouched down, "What are we supposed to do now?" 

Ahead of us was a white van and next to it was a small human. I couldn't tell who it was but I sprinted towards them, "Hey!" 

The kid looked towards me and ran in my direction, "Elle!" 

"Get behind me," I said as I put my arms up defensively, "Who are you and what do you want with Joseph?" 

"Joseph?" The man began, "Like Josef with an h?" 

"He's Spanish. What do you want with him?" 

"Nothing!" the man said, "The little guy came up to me asking where 927 avenue is." 

"Okay, sorry," I said, "Have a nice day." 

I took Joseph's hand and walk him towards Briella. 

"Mi hermano!" she exclaimed, "My brother! Where did you find him?" 

"White van over there. It's not what you think, though. Joseph just wanted to know where 927 avenue is. Isn't he so smart? Not many kids know their own address!" I exclaimed. 

"But what if he wasn't smart, Elle?" she began, "What if this or that or this or that happened!" 

"Sorry, Briella. It was my fault for falling asleep during my homework when I should've been watching him and not even doing homework in the first place." 

"It's fine. And Joseph, where'd you even get chocolate from?" 

"What chocolate?" he innocently said as he looked up at Briella with beady eyes. 

"What do you mean 'What chocolate' Joseph?" 

"I didn't eat any chocolate." 

"What did you eat, then? What's that brown stuff all over you?" 

"Not chocolate." 

Briella's eyes widened as she turned to look at me, "What did you feed him?" 

I shrugged and smelled his hand, "What even is this?" 

"It's fudge! Mrs. Newbery gave me fudge cake this morning!" Joseph exclaimed, "She came while you both were sleeping." 

"First of all, no answering the door when one of us isn't there. Second of all, who allowed you to eat fudge?" Briella said, scolding him as he put his head down. 

"I ate it in the evening, though!" Joseph exclaimed, "It was a pretty rainbow fudge cake! Everything was rainbow, even the fudge!" 

"Lets just go home," Briella said, taking his hand. 

Wait, didn't he just say the cake was rainbow, including the fudge? 


"When lots of colors mix, they become brown, Elle! Don't overthink it," Joseph exclaimed. 

I laughed, "Right, Joseph. You're so smart!" 

"I know I am!" 

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