41| Fake Dating

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Carlos's POV

I had to explain everything to Tristan. I needed him to know how the whole Tiffany and I dating thing was not what he thought, I didn't love her and never would love her. 

Here's what happened: Tiffany apologized to me so I said, "Okay, and?" and she didn't like that response at all. So, she threatened to do something malicious if I didn't date her. 

I was really confused. Why would Tiffany want to date me? She bullied me really badly, I hate her and I shake when I'm near her, I don't think I would date her if my life depended on it. 

But, of course, I said "I'll think about it" with the plan to just ignore her in my mind. But then, she made the decision herself. 

She told a bunch of people we were together so now, Stephanie was knocking on my door. I thought she'd break the door down if I didn't open it. 

"Why her!" Stephanie exclaimed as she barged it, "I want answers!"

I made her some peppermint tea and we sat down in my living room. After she calmed down a little bit, I tried explain how I never answered her request to date me. Tiffany had made the decision herself. 

In the middle of me explaining, Tiffany texted me, "Carlos, don't you think it's weird that Tristan is ignoring you? Don't you want answers?" 

My phone rang as I looked up at Stephanie. She said, "Go, answer it. I'll be here finishing this amazing tea!" 

I got up and went to the kitchen. I clicked the 'accept call' button and leaned against the fridge, "Tiffany?" 

"I'm here," I could tell she was smiling behind the screen. 

"Why do you want to date me so badly?"

 "Why not?" She laughed, "You've always felt like everyone is better than you, yeah?" 

"Why do you say that?" I replied. 

"I can tell. You know, I really like when you wear your glasses! They look so cute on you!" 

I blushed but quickly snapped back to reality, "Stop trying so hard, Tiffany. Go ask Hinata out or something." 

"No, he's too close with Tristan. Speaking of Tristan, don't you want to know about the bloody mess he left behind a few days ago?" 

"Bloody mess?" 

"At least he didn't die from it." 

"Tiffany, what do you mean?" 

"Do you want to know what I mean?" 

"Of course I do!" I exclaimed, "What are you implying, Tiffany!?" 

"I want to make Stephanie mad so date me." 

"Tell me what happened." 

"Hey, that's not fair. I want a favor in return!" 

"I'll just call Tristan, then." 

"He won't answer. He's out with his girlfriend, Elle." 


"I can tell you everything, Carlos. Just help me." 

"For a stupid prank?" 

"I can just hang up and you won't hear a thing about Tristan." 

"Fine, I'll fake date you. But as soon as you're satisfied, we're breaking up." 

"Whatever you want, Carlos." 

Tiffany explained everything that happened, from her perspective at least. I felt my heart stop for a second just thinking about Tristan almost dying. Tristan was my friend, I cared about him. 

From the living room, I could hear Stephanie yell, "What's taking you so long! I might have to eat the cup if you don't hurry!" 

I hung up and regretted my decision to date Tiffany. But, I honestly didn't care too much about it after hearing about what happened to Tristan, "Sorry, Stephanie. I didn't mean for it to take so long." 

"That's alright," she assured me, "You're fine." 

I gave her a light smile and crushed the water bottle that I was holding in my left hand, I needed Tristan to come back and soon. 

"So, you're not really dating her, right?" Stephanie asked as she stood up and approached me. 

"Yeah, we're not. I guess her idea worked after all, haha!" 

"Might as well tell her she had her fun, then," Stephanie suggested as she put her coat on. 

"Right," I replied as I took my phone out of my pocket to text Tiffany, "I should tell her." 

"Why are you shaking, Carlos?" 

Her voice was soft and I wasn't looking at her, "I'm not." 

She walked up to me and put her hand on my shoulder, "Hey, you alright?" 

"Screw it, I'm going to find Tristan." 

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