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(Chapter 29)The notes

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(Chapter 29)
The notes

Author POV

My dearest Jimin,

You will never truly understand how much your small note impacted me in one of the lowest points in my life. I was experiencing a crisis on the university course I chose, I went with the option my parents wanted rather than my dream. Those first few weeks in university were overwhelming, even surrounded by my friends, I felt alone. That small note you left for me was the first thing that truly got me out of my head. It was a small gesture that completely warmed me after weeks of feeling cold.

I saw the way you have been feeling these past few days and I hoped that this note would be your small piece of warmth, like your was for me. I hope this shows you just how much you are not alone and how much we all love you.

Yours always, Jin


Jimin pressed the note to his chest, the tears brimming in his eyes that were only focused upon Jin. The eldest of the group held out his arms in a silent offer, Jimin didn't rush forward instead he slowly slumped into the man's arms, allowing them to engulf him in warmth and security. 

"I feel warm Jin-hyung" he muttered, snuggling in further as Jin dropped his chin down to rest on top of Jimin's head. 

"I hope you always will" Jin murmured into his hair, pressing a light kiss to punctuate the sentence. 



I'm not the best at writing these sorts of things. But you really helped me believe in myself again, I was being bullied at the time you gave me the note. I wanted to thank you for being almost my first fans and I will continue to do my best to achieve what you think I am capable of. 

You are my hero, standing tall and proud but sometimes you need a day off, let me be your hero on those days.



Jungkook was trying to act nonchalant but Jimin could see the vulnerability in his eyes. Clearly it had taken a lot of courage for him to admit to his feelings. He allowed Jungkook to pull him into a hug. The words in the note Jungkook wrote him resembled those that Jimin had sent all those months ago. 

"I can be your hero today if you need me too" Jungkook whispered.

"Thank you"



Did you know angel was the first name I gave you when I first received a note from you? You're a dancer like I am, so when I got that note from you I felt like you understood me. Despite the pain I felt from the failures in that gym, I presume you were the one who ran away from the scene, that you knew what I was going through. Because those words in the note gave me the motivation to try again and I won that competition and I owe you for that. I hope I can come to all of your competitions in person, cheer for you the way that note did for me in that competition.

I hope to perform on the same stage someday, for trust is the key for duetting dancers and I can not think of anyone I trust more to share the stage with me than you. 

Your hope, Hoseok


Hoseok was grinning by the time Jimin finished reading the note. Clearly excited for Jimin's reaction to the contents. 

"I agree, we should try a duet sometime" Jimin smiled. Hoseok pulled him into a hug that lifted Jimin slightly off the floor, his feet dangling uselessly as they held onto each other tight. 


My muse,

I rarely confess this to anyone, but I struggle financially ever since my parents kicked me out for my desire to study music at university. So when I got that note from you and the money and coffee I could not believe that someone would extend me such a kindness after so long without it. You gave me a small ray of hope that perhaps my music would touch someone's heart into the future, and now you've strengthened that ray into a full sunburst.

A dedicated admirer, Yoongi


Inside the note was a return of the money in the same change Jimin had first given him from his tips all those months ago. Jimin didn't hesitate to pull Yoongi into a hug, the older man was quick to wrap his arms around the younger man in a tight hold. 

"Thank you" that was all they needed to say, instead of more words all they needed to do was bask in each other's presence, finally feeling at peace completely.


My light,

You reached out to me in a time of need. I have always suffered from severe migraines from my childhood to today, that day I was in immense pain. But your note made me forget that pain just for a moment, I had no idea why that evoked such a reaction in me then, all I knew was that I possessed something special. Now I have gotten to know the person who made it so special and I cannot help but be thankful.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Namjoon



When we met all those years ago I never imagined we would see each other again, I always hoped we would. My parents and I even went to the orphanage asking after you, but they couldn't tell us since we weren't your relatives. I kept looking when I was old enough but you seemed to vanish. Then all of a sudden you were there and I got to meet you all over again and I am glad I did. Here is to more memories and a lifetime together.

Purple wizard


It was later that evening after Taehyung's note that Jimin finally found the courage to pull out the small notes he had written over the course of many years, they had collected dust. But Taehyung hadn't cared about the dust, sitting with Jimin late into the night reading every single one, it had been emotional for them both. But eventually they had fallen asleep along side each other the ruminant notes surrounding them in a messy nest of paper and emotion. 


So we got the notes they wrote, sorry if it felt like a disconnected chapter from all the changes in notes and real time. But I hope you enjoyed their voices and emotions.

Only 2 more chapters till the book ends.

I hope you liked the chapter.





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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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