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(Chapter 7)Strength and beauty

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(Chapter 7)
Strength and beauty

Author POV

Jungkook had gotten into University on a scholarship. Demonstrating his Olympic level athletics. He was what one would consider a lithe man. He had necessary muscle and little to no fat, aside from around his cheeks and tummy that had never quite vanished.

He was doing laps in the swimming pool in the University gym. He had been trying to beat his set record. With each powerful stroke he was getting closer. While swimming wasn't necessarily the sport he enjoyed the most it was a good relaxant. The water soothing his aching muscles from days doing weights in the gym.

He leant against the side of the pool, sucking in rushed breaths to calm down his racing heart. He had been so close to beating his personal best. Only a few seconds off.

However, while Jungkook may celebrate his successes, others filled with jealousy do not share the thrill of his accomplishments. Instead choosing to take out their jealousy using petty words and insults to those who they saw as intimidating.

Jungkook had been shocked the first time he heard the harsh words out of their mouths. They were jealous of him, purely because his best time was better than some of the professional swimmers in the swim team.

He had turned down their invite to join the club, wanting to focus on his running and athletics instead. They had in turn called him pompous and accused him of believing he was superior to them.

He wasn't sure how they had drawn his conclusion, he certainly hadn't implied it in any way. But now everytime he came to the pool over the past 2 weeks they had slandered him. Small insults that he tried not to allow to get under his skin.

But the repetitive words were beginning to get to him. His face contorted briefly in anger. He scrubbed at his eyes, pretending to wipe away the pool water, when they were really tears that he had yet to shed.

Before diving under the water again, determined to ignore their taunting remarks. Focusing entirely upon being better than he was in the last lap. Pushing himself to be calm, even if the words had become branded onto his brain, there for him to overthink to the point of sleepless nights and self doubt.

His head tilted to the side taking in the oxygen and then he was submerged once again.


Jimin had been given a pass to the University gym as he was on a sports course. He needed to maintain his body to be able to keep up with all of the dances.

He had decided to got to the pool, the teachers had recommended it when all of the class was complaining about sore muscles. Some not used to dancing as much as they did when they joined University. So Jimin had taken the lecturers advice and gone to the University's pool.

He saw a boy taking laps in the fast lane. He slipped into the water, shivering at the cold temperature. His lecturer was right, the water felt great, like he was weightless.

He had been relaxing, swimming around alittle, maybe for half an hour or so. When the swim club came in, he could tell because they all were wearing jackets. He left the pool using then ladder at the side.

He had been told by reception that the pool was reserved, staff had come to usher people out of the pool so the swim team could practice.

The other boy left the fast lane, to Jimin's surprise one of the swim team members bashed into the boy's shoulder. Making him wobble precariously, but he kept his balance. His eyes were casted down but Jimin could tell by the tensing of his muscles he was doing everything he could to not react.

He walked around the member and made his way to the changing room. When one of the members called out to him. It was words Jimin never thought he would hear, but he could see the way the boy's frame tensed. He stopped briefly as if letting the words set in but then he disappeared into the changing rooms.

Jimin thought he recognised the boy. He realised later when he all but tailed the boy home that he lived in the same apartment block. The boy grabbed his mail from the mailbox 401. Before taking the stairs up.

Jimin had seen the way the boy was affected by the harsh words thrown at him. He had seen the man he given the note to again, he seemed almost lighter. Maybe Jimin could lift this boy's spirits like he had done for the man.

So he made his way to his room and got to work.


Jungkook walked into the business complex, rubbing at his wet hair to stop the water droplets from falling into his eyes. He had gone for a half an hour swim after being in the gym for an hour or so.

He went to the mailbox like he did every time he got home from University. He grabbed the mail inside without really glancing at it. He just wanted to get to his room and relax. Maybe get something to eat and just generally sit down and have some time to himself.

He threw the mail on his desk as he dropped his gym back at the end of his bed. He grabbed a bottle of water from his desk, downing half of it he let himself lay down on the bed.

He knew most people would cry at the words the swim team seemed to love calling out to him. Jungkook did want to cry, but not out of sadness, no they were tears of anger. He hated that they targeted him, he just wanted to do his best and their words were affecting his ability to do so. He was beginning to doubt himself, just like he had years ago when he had first got into weight lifting.

He flicked through the mail, there was a lined piece of paper that caught his attention. His eye brows furrowed. Part of him was hesitant to open it, illogically he wondered if the swim team's insults were now coming on paper.

He flicked open the page, there was some small neat handwriting. Almost like it had been carefully thought about before being written. The words are what got to him though. They were oddly empowering and it made Jungkook feel somewhat powerful. Like he could take on anything.

He went to sleep a smile on his face that night. For once not doubting himself as he had done many nights before. Curled under the duvet he drifted off peacefully.

'Every hero has their darkness and trails to overcome. The people who will doubt their efforts, criticise their successes, but they become heroes not inspite of it but because of it. Because a hero stands tall and proud. Let this be your time to become the hero you want to be.

A fan'


So we have the next chapter.

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Who do you want to get the next note and should it be fluffy or angsty. Because Jin and Jungkook both got angst.

Anyway hope you liked the chapter.




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