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(Chapter 4)Years passing me by

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(Chapter 4)
Years passing me by

Author POV

Jimin cannot say that he had an entirely miserable existence in the Busan Orphanage. But he would have preferred to stay in Daegu. For the past 10 years all he had wanted to do was return to Daegu to see his best friend. But that privilege had never been permitted to him.

So instead he had thrown himself into his studies, he wanted to be the best he could be. Even if his Korean grade was low, he still hadn't got the hang of spelling. To Jimin the word dyslexia was foreign, he had no idea that there was a reason he couldn't spell well like everyone else, why it took him longer to process assignments. Why he could never manage his time properly, always handing in work late. He tried not to, but it was like his brain was wired to this default.

So he tried and tried, exhausting himself to illness on occasion. He wanted to do the best he could do so he could get into the University of his dreams. Seoul Arts, it tailored to a variety of creative and artistic courses, something that had always come easy to Jimin. There were no words needed to show how he felt as he danced, all he needed was his body to spell out emotions on his mind.

It was the highest ranking University in the country for artistic courses, so of course Jimin wanted to go.


Jimin took a seat in the small room, his bedroom in the Orphange. He intended to write his next letter. Over the years, Jimin wrote a letter every 3 months, talking about his experiences over the months. They were all addressed to Taehyung. If he was to ever find his soulmate again, he wanted to give them to him.

The years without communication had left him feeling alone. So writing the letters made him feel safe and closer to the best friend he had lost. The Orphange couldn't afford to give them phones, so if he wanted one he had to find himself a job. But he had neglected that in favour of studying to get into University. He could get a job when he was there.

He began the draft of the letter, he always did it in pencil first, he sketched it out. He always used the only computer in the Orphange for his spelling checks, he used it under the excuse of needing it for homework. As they weren't allowed to use it for anything else. So he hid the letter within the pages of homework to complete and checked it then and there.

He wrote of the school work he had been assigned. How he missed him, reminisced of their brief moments together, happy childhood memories that had passed. Talked about the new food he had tried, how he still hated spelling.

Once the letter had been drafted, he made sure to check the spellings on the computer, before heading upstairs to finish the final letter on new paper and with ink. Nearly the whole page was filled with corrections and it made Jimin feel annoyed to look at it. But he brushed it off as always and took out a fresh piece of paper, grabbed the space ship pen that Taehyung had once gifted him over 10 years ago and began to copy the letter in his most legible handwriting. Taking his time to shape the letters on the page.

He eventually finished it, sealing the letter into an envelope and carefully writing the name Taehyung across the front. It was his 42nd letter that he crammed into the small box that he had attached a lock too. He didn't want anyone else to see or read them, this was his secret. A secret only for him and Taehyung if he ever found him again. He could tell this letter wouldn't be the last, it never was.


Looking down at the letter in his hand, this letter would seal his future. For good or for bad. It was either an acceptance letter or one to reject him from the Seoul Arts University.

"Well get on with it, I haven't got all day" the matron said. She had no time for sentiment, wanting to get her job done.

If Jimin was accepted he would be out of her hair, as he lived in Busan he would have to rent a dorm at the University. So he would be able to move out and another unfortunate soul would get his room.

Under her impatient eyes he opened the letter. Immediately the biggest grin lit up his face. He had been accepted. It was in bright red letters.

"I got in" Jimin told her.

"Good, I am glad for you Jimin. You've always been a good kid" she patted him on the shoulder and headed back to her work. Probably informing the Orphange director that he would be leaving them in less than 4 months. University not starting till September and it was currently June.

"Thank you" Jimin called out to her. She didn't acknowledge him, but he knew that she had heard him.

He pulled the letter to his chest, his acceptance. He would finally be able to do something he loved, get a job, have a future and get away from the Orphanage for good. He intended to try and find Taehyung in all of that as well. It was after all his duty as best friend and partner superheroes to do so.

Now all he had to do was send his reply to the university accepting his offered placement. He turned to look at the Matron, she merely nodded and gestured to the computer, giving him permission. He opened the translating website and began to sketch out his reply on paper, ready to translate it and put it into the reply email.

He worked solidly for half an hour to write the email, checking it over once again, he didn't want to make them think that he was incompetent before he even got to the University. Only relaxing when the email had sent.

He could barely contain his excitement as he looked down at the acceptance letter. He would have alot to tell Taehyung in his next letter, but that was 3 months away.


So what did you think?

Next chapter we may get to meet the others, possibly...

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.




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