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(Chapter 21)Mind melt

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(Chapter 21)
Mind melt


Author POV

Namjoon knew he shouldn't have gone to the club, the bright lights and the loud music did nothing good for his brain. Now his mind felt like it was melting. 

So once again the curtains to his room were shut and the lights turned off. The curtains weren't the best as blocking out all the light, but it was the best that he could do, if he threw his duvet cover over his head sure it would block out all the light, but it would become claustrophobic quickly and too hot to remain under. 

He heard the knock on the door to his room, he knew it was Jin. The eldest knew when his bad days were, they had an emoji symbol, Namjoon would text him every morning with different emojis to express the state of his body and mind. Jin would act accordingly to assist him as much as possible. 

He was thankful to his eldest hyung, he wasn't sure what he would do without the older man. 

Jin pushed open the door, Namjoon didn't lock it on bad days, so that Jin could check in on him at regular intervals in case he got really bad.

 The light to his face was blinding and sharp as the door opened. Jin shut it quickly and as quietly as he could behind him. Namjoon was thankful for that, letting out a groan as his head hurt even more.

"How you feeling?" Jin asked, it was barely a whisper but it still felt too loud to Namjoon's oversensitive mind.

"Like I can barely move" Namjoon responded, even wincing at the sound of his own voice.

"Want your sun glasses?" Jin asked.

Namjoon nodded a little, he had wanted to grab them earlier but his body and mind felt too achy to do so. Plus when he had sat up earlier the migraine had made him so dizzy he was back onto his back before he could so much as blink.

There was a semblance of relief when Jin slid the sunglasses over his eyes. The room darkening further, they had been made specially for his condition and were medically approved.

"I've got some soup if you feel up to eating it" Jin offered.

Namjoon didn't particularly want to sit up, or eat for that matter. But he knew it was wise, Jin had chosen soup as it was a good form of nutrition and liquid which is what his body needed right now. 

But he allowed Jin to help him sit up, despite his head feeling to heavy to hold up. The soup was blended down and in a drinks type bottle so all he had to do was drink it. Less arduous than having to use utensils and try not to spill it onto his bed in his condition. 

"Make sure you drink all this too" Jin placed a water bottle by his bedside, easily in reach for him.

"Did I have any assignments that I missed?" Namjoon asked, he hated that his chronic illness got in the way of his education, it wasn't something he could stop or be helped. 

"No, you've only got a presentation to listen too, so make some notes on that then you'll be caught up" Jin responded, he was tidying the clothes from the floor that Namjoon had chucked there when he had gotten back from the club and his head had begun to hurt.

That made Namjoon feel better.

"I also got your mail from the box" Jin handed it over.

Something small fell from the pile of letters. It was a little note Namjoon knew all to well. It was from his note gifter, the one who always seemed to know the right thing to say to cheer up the man. 

Jin looked confused reaching for it, but noting it wasn't for him handed it to Namjoon.

"You get them too?" Jin asked.

"Too?" Namjoon asked.

"The little notes, anonymous sender, but with little cheerful or motivational quotes in them?" Jin reiterated. 

"Yeah, I've gotten a couple of them" Namjoon confirmed.

"Oh" was the only response he got from the older man.

Namjoon guessed it did hurt a little that the note giver wasn't limiting themselves to one person. That was the initial feeling anyway, but then they both must have realised it. Each of the notes were personal and motivational in their own way. Whoever was gifting them was thinking with a large heart, wanting to reach out to as many struggling people as possible out of the goodness of their heart. That was the most comforting thought.

It made both the men smile as it passed through their minds. 

"Would you like me to read it to you, or do you think you can manage?" Jin asked. He knew the words in the message would speak to Namjoon's heart, much like his own notes spoke to his. 

Plus he was kind of curious to see what sort of content Namjoon got in his notes.

"Could you read it to me, but sit beside me I want to see the note even if I cannot read it" Namjoon rolled to the side a little with an audible groan of pain, Jin winced he felt bad for the pain the younger man was in. He hoped the note would ease the pain or a least put the younger man into a bed mindset.

As Jin read the note aloud to the sick man, he watched as his friend relaxed, like his mind despite the pain could rest a little. Even he could admit even when the message was not directed at him it touched the heart none the less.

Eventually with his mind more at ease and his soup and water drunk in full Namjoon was able to drift into a more or less blissful sleep. The sunglasses aiding in blocking out the light from his oversensitive eyes. Jin slipped out in order to allow the man to rest, only returning to replace the empty water bottle.


The mind is a powerful thing, it works many wonders, but it also needs time to reset as well. Stress is a needed thing, but don't allow it to consume you. Allow yourself to breathe, relaxation is important too



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