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(Chapter 1)Bees are meant for buzzing not spelling

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(Chapter 1)
Bees are meant for buzzing not spelling.

Author POV

An 8 year old Jimin sat alone in the back of the classroom. He had yet again failed another spelling test. He had to wait behind after class into his lunch break to explain to the teacher why he scored 2 out of 15.

It wasn't his fault, the paper was too white it hurt his eyes. Then all the letters became like indistinguishable squiggles and then he couldn't quite remember the word the teacher had said after the one he was currently trying to spell. Then the test was over and he had only written 8 of the words, he had forgotten what the other ones were, having missed hearing what the teacher had said.

Then the teacher had accused him of not learning his words and told him to stay back after class. But how could he tell her that he had learnt them, had spent the whole weekend testing himself, but he had no real adult to support his learning, the caretakers at the orphanage didn't have time to sit down and do silly little spelling tests with him.

It wasn't his fault he couldn't remember the right ways round for the letters 'b' and 'd'. Or that 'q' had alittle dash at the bottom of it, so that it didn't look like the letter 'p'.

It just didn't make sense to him, no matter how much he tried. It just made no sense. But the teacher would never believe that, they would just tell him he was being lazy and not to lie. That he would have to relearn the words all over again and do a private test. It wasn't the first time this had happened and Jimin could assure you it wouldn't be the last.

When he left the classroom it was to see the bully who he would happily admit he couldn't spell the name of.

"Parky can't spell 'tomorrow'" the bully knew because he had been sat next to Jimin in class. It just gave him more fuel to use against Jimin.

"Bet you can't even spell 'cat'" they taunted, Jimin could hear their cronies laugh.

"C-a-t" Jimin responded, leaving the bully confused and tried to walk around them. Of course he knew how to spell 'cat', though it had taken him a while to learn.

"Are you trying to get funny with me?" It was a question that was worded more like a statement.

"No, I just spelt it out like you said I couldn't" Jimin replied.

That got him a shove into the lockers.

"Hey watch what your doing you could have hurt him" came a voice down the corridor.

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