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(Chapter 6)The first note

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(Chapter 6)
The first note

Author POV

Jin felt overwhelmed, he had been forced into choosing a economics and business course, his parents decision. He was set to inherit his mother and father's business. Something he really wasn't looking forward too.

It was about 2 weeks into his university course and he was already on the verge of a nervous break down. The maths and complexity of the course completely went over his head, making him feel inadequate. Like he was letting down his parents, they were paying for his University degree so he felt like he at least owed them some decent grades even if he hated the course.

He strode through the lobby, quickly checking his mail box. Room 403, finding nothing he all but ran to the lift. Not wanting to walk several flights of stairs to the 4th floor.

He rubbed at the tears welling in his eyes, before they could run down his face. As the doors closed to the lift, he missed the concerned face of a young man.

He made his way along the corridor unlocking his room door, rushing into the room and falling on to the half made bed and finally allowed himself to cry.


Jimin watched as the man rushed passed him. He had to side step quickly out of the way in order not to be ran into, the man was entirely in his own head. Oblivious to his surroundings.

He turned to look at the man in the lift, the man who hadn't even apologised for nearly barreling into him. But his heart softened when he saw the tears in his eyes, the bow of his head to hide his face. His hands glistening with the tears he had rubbed from his eyes.

He remembered the man had checked room 403, Jimin had been checking his own mail box at the time. Maybe a note would cheer him up, he always wrote the letters to Taehyung when he was sad or needed a way to let out his emotions.

With set determination, Jimin headed out to the campus library. If he was going to write the man a note, he wanted to at least spell everything correctly.

He pondered what to write the entire way to the library. He wanted to comfort the man, though he knew nothing about him. Maybe an inspirational quote, yeah that could work.

He sat down at one of the computer desks, loading it up using his university login. He got to work, sketching out different inspirational words he could think off.

Eventually he came up with one, smiling, it was perfect, at least he hoped it would be. He got to work making sure his spellings were correct using the online dictionary.

Once he was satisfied he then in his neatest handwriting began to write the note. Doodling a small picture in the corner when he was done. He smiled, it looked good and he hoped it would be enough to lift the spirits of the man, or least offer him alittle comfort through whatever trouble was ailing him.

He made it back to his accommodation, he needed to get ready fast, having secured a job at a small coffee shop on campus. They were offering temporary part time work, helping students earn money and work experience.

He rushed down the stairs when he had gotten into his uniform. He went to the mail boxes, slipping the note into the box labelled 403. He then took off running to make sure he wouldn't be late.


Jin made it back to the accommodation after one of the hardest lectures he had endured. There was a bubbling feeling in his chest, making it feel tight and hard to breath.

He made his way to the mailboxes, not wanting to come down later when he would probably be blotchy eyed from cry and tired from working.

He frowned when he saw a small folded piece of paper in the bottom of the mailbox. He reached a hand in and grabbed it. It was the size of his palm. He clutched it in one hand as he made his way upstairs.

His room was dimly lit as he switched on the light, he took a seat on his bed. The springs squeaking dubiously as he did so. He turned the note over in his hand. It had no envelop and no name on the front. It looked like it had been written on note pad paper and folded.

He opened it, curiosity getting the better of him. The note had no name at the bottom. But the words had Jin choked up, the bubble in his chest expanding as a body rattling sob tore through him.

He pulled the note close to his chest in order to not get tears on it. It was as if he was trying to press the words onto his heart. Commit them to memory, brand them into his skin, in order to always feel as safe and comforted as he did in that moment.

Because the note showed that someone cared, someone had seen the way that he was suffering. Despite not knowing him they had offered him comfort, hadn't forced their way into his life and personal space. But at the same time had gone out of their way to spend alittle time to write a note to comfort him through his pain.

He curled up on the bed, holding the note to his chest and allowed himself to fall asleep. The tears staining his cheeks forgotten as he allowed his exhausted body and mind to rest.

The words on the note helping ward away the discomfort, allowing a feeling of peace to wash over him like a comforting blanket. And all it took was one note for one to free themselves from their troubles if only for a moment.

'All clouds have their sad days, when they feel grey. But when they cry they have the sun to hold them and make their tears shine like rainbows. Allowing them to shine bright once again'.


The words in italics at the bottom of the chapter is the words in the note.

Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter.

Who would you like to see receive a note next?

I'm trying to find ways that Jimin can give them notes without it appearing weird or creepy. So if anyone has any ideas feel free to leave them in a comment.

Hopefully this was a good amount of angst and fluff. Angst/comfort is one of my favourite things to write.




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