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(Chapter 3)A tearful parting

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(Chapter 3)
A tearful parting

Author POV

Jimin was loving life at the Daegu orphanage. He had his best friend Taehyung who was slowly becoming something of a comfort to Jimin. Then it all fell apart.

"Jimin we are receiving alot of orphaned kids from Daegu. So we have decided to transfer you to Busan instead. You'll be going home." The Orphanage director smiled at him.

"But I don't want to go. My friend is here" Jimin protested.

"It has been decided and finalised. Now go pack you things you leave tomorrow evening after school" the director told him, her voice stern.

Jimin stomped his foot in anger, but didn't argue. What was the point, nothing he said would change her mind. His opinion didn't matter.

He sat in his own room, it was the smallest. But that was the agreement of having your own room. It was smaller than everyone else's but Jimin liked the privacy.

He was scared. Taehyung had become the best of friends to him. They had even declared themselves to be soulmates. He didn't want to leave him, didn't want to go to Busan again. The other kids there hated him, he was treasured by the staff there because he was smaller and cuter than the other kids. That sparked jealousy.

Jimin didn't own a phone, so he was scared to lose contact with Taehyung. The boy who had become a life line of happiness to him. So Jimin sat down and wrote a letter to his best friend.


Dear TaeTae,

I have to leave. They want to transfer me to another Orphanage. They are sending me back to Busan. I told them I didn't want to leave. But they said I had too.

You are my bestest friend. And I love you lots and lots. I'm sorry I couldn't stay. But I will try to come see you again. Because you are my soulmate.

Love you lots and lots.

Jiminie (Sparky)


Jimin sealed the letter and added some space ship stickers. Ones he had saved for special occasions.

He picked up the polaroid photograph of him and Taehyung. Taehyung loved photography, so his parents had bought him a polaroid camera for his birthday. Taehyung took lots of pictures with him, they both had written messages on the backs of them.

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