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(Chapter 27)


Author POV

Jimin had been stress writing for many days, there were countless notes building up in piles on his desk. Though they never went to their recipients, most ended up in the shoe box he had taken to shoving under his desk every time one of his boyfriends came to visit his room. 

He felt like he was crumbling inside, so he had taken to making his schedule as busy as possible, not giving himself a moment to think throughout the day. Instead going from task to task until he was exhausted and collapsed into dreamless sleeps at night. His boyfriends had taken note of this behaviour and had taken to visiting him during the day, reminding him to eat, sleep or give a care towards himself rather than the tasks at hand.

But there was only so much he could keep up before he began to slip. It started when Namjoon came to visit him in his room, and saw him shoving the box beneath the desk. Jimin had played it off as tidying his room and Namjoon hadn't questioned it. But since that moment Jimin had become paranoid.


"Right on time as always" Yoongi remarked he was sat outside the café as he always did on Saturdays. Jimin couldn't contain his smile when he saw him, with the start of summer coming, Yoongi was dressed lighting, such a change from when he had frost bitten fingers in the winter months. 

"The job demands it" Jimin smiled, coming to stand by Yoongi's side, he had arrived to his shift earlier than normal, so he could indulge in a few minutes of conversation. 

"So any recommended drinks or snacks I should be taking a look at?" Yoongi lent back, placing his guitar against the bench he sat upon. 

"They are bringing a new selection out for the summer, I'll have to let you know after I sample them" Jimin gave a cheeky smile, clearly excited about the prospect of new snacks to sample. 

"Well I await your esteemed opinion." Yoongi did a mock bow, which looked funny since he was sitting down, it forced an unexpected laugh from Jimin's chest. Yoongi looked proud of his achievement.

"I will endeavour to please" Jimin bowed back, Yoongi gave him a soft smile as he always did. The others mocked him for it, calling it his 'Jimin smile', for it was soft and affectionate and only ever reserved for one Park Jimin, but Yoongi couldn't find it in himself to care for their opinion.

"You know you can always talk to me, to the others if you are struggling." Yoongi stated out of nowhere, it caught Jimin off guard. 

"I know" Jimin sounded guarded, yet vulnerable all in one sentence.

"I've been where you are, still am where you are. Struggling to make ends meet, struggling with juggling everything life has to throw at me. Just know that you aren't alone, whatever I can give, offer, take it." Yoongi's voice held a passion that Jimin hadn't been expecting, the older man looking him dead in the eyes. Jimin had to break eye contact so Yoongi would see the tears forming in his eyes. 

"Thank you" Jimin's voice held the vulnerability he had been hiding for months. 

"Come here" Yoongi extended a hand, beckoning him closer, Jimin obeyed. Tilting his head down when Yoongi instructed him to do so, feeling the older man's lips press a gentle kiss to his forehead. Jimin had to discreetly wipe away his tears before he stood. 

"Go or you'll be late, I want good snack recommendations" Yoongi sent him off with a smile, grabbing his guitar so he could play once more. 

Jimin stumbled into the café, still processing the conversation that had just occurred. But he had no time to ponder as his shift began, though the words did replay over and over in his head in each silent moment.


It was that night that Jimin decided to make a change. He cleaned his room that had been piled high and neglected due to him over working. He theorised that if he cleaned his room it would be a clean slate to start. 

The words of comfort Yoongi had offered to him felt like rays of sunlight through the dark fogs that had engulfed him. Gifting him with a direction to turn and run towards.

The simple act of cleaning gave him time to think of his next steps, once he could see the floor of his room and the dark wood of his desk again he allowed himself to smile. That was when the plan came into motion. Reaching beneath the desk he pulled out the shoebox full to the brim with letters. 

Sitting at his now clean desk he organised them based on who would be the recipient. Till he had neat stacks, with elastic bands he wrapped them tight and tucked them into his bag. He would sent them all, it was time to let go of the letters he had been hording for months due to anxiety and fear of rejection.

When he snuck down out of his room it was with a full bag of letters. He made sure to do it late so he wouldn't have a receptionist judging him as he posted letter after letter into the post boxes he knew by heart. 

When he took the stairs back up to his room, he felt lighter than he had in months, like the weight shoving him down was anchored once again by the sky. 


The next morning when he came down the stairs he had the enjoyment of watching his boyfriends opening their mailboxes and the letters he had rammed into the point of being overly full spill out by their feet. 

Jimin couldn't contain his soft smile when he watched them all take so much care to pick up the letters as if each one was precious to them. He would never truly know just how precious they were.

But it was when he went to his own letter box that the tears fell silently down his cheeks, for there were six letters on top of each other sitting in his mailbox. And if he were to turn around there would be six smiling men holding letters to their chest watching him in awe. 


Wow it really has been such a long time since I updated. But I hope you liked it. I will be aiming to finish this book soon as I only have a few chapters remaining.

I hope you liked it.





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