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(Chapter 28)

So it is you


Author POV

Jimin held the notes to his chest, how does one respond to such an unexpected act. For a moment he panicked when he saw the notes, felt the rush of anxiety fill every ounce of his body, the way he turned his body around was with a feeling of dread.

However those 3 horrid emotions left him when he saw six smiles. 

Because they understood.

They understood him.

Had responded to his love language.

They had understood and reciprocated.

And in that moment he couldn't have felt more loved, those six smiles warming every ounce of his body pushing every negative emotion away, till he felt nothing but happiness and relief.

"How did you know?" Jimin willed his voice to work, it wobbled with uncertainty.

"Little things here and there, the stickers you used they were on your desk, your handwriting became noticeable after I read your homework a couple of times, the receptionist asked about you as well, wanted to know if we knew it was you or not." Namjoon responded.

Jimin didn't realise that all these little things would be the things that identified him.

"You aren't mad?" Jimin's fingers clutched the notes tighter, but he made a conscious choice not to crush them too much. 

"Why would we be mad?" Jin looked nothing but confused. 

"Because I started writing them when we were strangers, it was odd and I shouldn't have done it. Then when we started dating I didn't tell you that it was me" Jimin answered truthfully.

"Jimin you don't understand what you have done" Jin's smile was warm and reassuring.

"You helped us in ways we never expected" Jungkook was thinking back to the letter that gave him confidence to ignore the bullies he encountered.

"You looked out for us in ways other didn't" Yoongi revealed.

"You made us realise our potential, gave us hope for the dreams we were working towards" Hoseok's smile was blinding, it made Jimin feel too shy to look at him.

"Your letters led me to find you again, my best friend who I thought I lost years ago" Taehyung's eyes were watery with emotion. But Jimin could see the love and relief there, he was being honest.

"Come here sweetheart" Jin extended out his arms.

Jimin didn't even realise he was crying till he rushed into Jin's arms and could feel the material of the older man's shirt become damp. But that didn't matter as he was surrounded by six men who loved him for him, as they encased him in a group hug, keeping him at the centre.

"Lets go upstairs so we can talk" 

Jimin was led up the stairs, still clutching the letters in one hand. His other holding Taehyung's, Taehyung had always been clingy when he felt emotional, just like when he was a child, so it was not surprise when he reached for Jimin's hand.


They made there way up the stairs and into the kitchen that was shared by those living on floor 4. Jin was making drinks for all of them, the kind of tea he used when Namjoon had migraines. 

Jimin swung his legs that were dangling freely from the bar stool he was sat upon at the kitchen counter. He had put the letters down, still unread, but his hand remained rested upon them, not quite ready to let them go even if he didn't know the content. 

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