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(Chapter 18)My angel

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(Chapter 18)
My angel

Author POV

Jimin collected his money for the month, he had taken on 2 jobs while at University as his first year had no exams, only essay and physical dance assignments. Meaning if he worked during the day for his university work, he could work at the cafe on the weekends, in the mornings. He had also picked up a bartender job, it was near the campus and it was LGBT+ friendly, he worked there weekend evenings and the occasional weekday, if he could take the shift and he had no early morning classes.

It meant that he was bringing in quite a bit of money, both the jobs paid well and Jimin was thankful of that. With being an orphan he was granted a larger sum of money, not a lot, but more than other University attendees. Grants were given and he was given more, as usually they would expect the parent or guardian of the person to help aid with finances at University. Jimin had neither so he got the special grant. It covered his dorm payment with a little extra on the side.  

He had just paid his rent for the month and sat back so he could calculate his expenses for the rest of the month till the next rent payment. There wasn't much left over from the grant, so he calculated the money he earned from his jobs, it was decent and he could easily see himself through the month if he was careful.

He had recently had another session with Hoseok, he felt lighter after each session. Hoseok was kind, patient but stern as well. Jimin found he could maintain focus for most of the session before his brain wanted to clock out and rest.

He had felt good handing in his assignment, though there was still the fear of a low grade, he felt more confident though. Hoseok had looked it over and deemed it alright and that was enough for Jimin. 


He got ready for the club, it was a Friday evening, the uniform was comfortable and he felt good in it. It was a simple all black outfit, fitting trousers, a button down shirt and some comfortable shoes of your own pick provided they were suitable and were black. Jimin had bought some trainers, they were comfy to wear for long hours.

They also offered pin badges with identity and pronouns to make people feel comfortable. Though it was a choice to wear. 

"You're early" the manager was a jovial woman, with a carefree attitude. Jimin liked her a lot she felt like a friend you could confide in. She was also very accommodating of his shift pattern, which Jimin immensely appreciated. 

The same music was blaring, Jimin could probably sing half of the songs with confidence due to how many times he had heard them. He passed some workers, who had finished their shift, taking the free space behind the bar.

As he began to take orders, he allowed himself to relax into the familiar lull of a typical Friday night. 


"Come on hyung, drinks are on me tonight" Jungkook tried to pull Namjoon out of his seat. Though Jungkook was visibly stronger he knew not to pull to hard as to not injure Namjoon.

They had all been trying to find time to spend together. The youngest members of the group wanted to go clubbing with their hyungs. 

"I don't see why it has to be clubbing" Namjoon complained.

Some of the group were more inclined to go out, while some wanted to stay at the accommodation. 

So as a result they all went out, it had taken quite a while to persuade them all, but they got out the door by 10:30pm. Hoseok was excitably pulling Yoongi along, he rarely joined these nights out. Namjoon too, Jin was more than happy to pull along the man who was raving about the damage alcohol did to one's body.

They all ignored the negative words, instead discussing recent assignments, complaining about lecturers and the like. It felt nice to all be able to go out like this, act like young adult in university. 

The club was new and the youngest in the group had wanted to check it out after a few of their classmates had declared it to be a good place to go for a night out. True to their words the place was packed, music blaring, the bar was rammed with people trying to get drinks. The bartenders looked like they were panicking a little. So the group decided to get a booth to sit in, they knew certain members of the group weren't as likely to dance as others.

They found a booth uninhabited at the back of the room. Yoongi, Namjoon and Jin sat down. They watched on like parents as the other 3 went off to dance. Taehyung and Jungkook danced together, swaying to the beat of the son, Hoseok's dancing was more refined, you could tell he was studying dance, or at least had several years of dancing experience, he had both.

Soon Hoseok was returning after he spotted the bar looked calmer than when they first entered. He dragged Yoongi with him, the short male was good for intimidating people and Hoseok wanted him around as an extra set of hands as well.

They were able to get close enough to get their arms resting on the bar. Hoseok was trying to hail a bartender to come to them next. They caught the attention of a small bartender, he gave them a thumbs up to show he was coming to them next.

He soon came bounding up to them.

"Hi what can I get for you?" he asked, voice peppy and friendly.

"Jimin?" Hoseok inquired.

"Hoseok" Jimin replied.

At the confirmation of the name, Yoongi snapped his head to the man behind the bar. He was cute was his first observation, handsome too. So this was the face of the angel who gave him free coffee on the days his hands were too cold to function.

Who gave him his tips to help a complete stranger.

He was as beautiful as an angel in Yoongi's eyes.


So Yoongi and Jimin meet.

You guys are so not ready for the next chapter.

Anyway I hope you liked the chapter.




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