Chapter 40: It's Time

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"Do you have anyone to drive you to the hospital!?"

No my husband is at work and I have no family here.

"We will send the ambulance"

Once off the phone you go to grab your bag that was packed and you head to change pants...

You then call the on set assistant...

Please tell Brian my water broke and I am headed to the hospital...

"WILL DO!!!" The girl says excitedly. Everyone onset has been anticipating this day. The support from everyone has been amazing. It's the family you've always needed.

Soon you hear the sound of the ambulance and Brian begins to call your phone at the same time.

'Are you ok? Is the baby ok? What's going on? What do I need to do?' He says frantically.

I'm ok baby... the ambulance just got here to take me to the hospital. I have the bags so just meet me there. Everything will be ok.

He takes a deep breath...

I was on the phone with the doctor when my water broke. My contractions are about 5 minutes apart.

'Ok baby, I love you... I will see you at the hospital.'

I love you, we are about to have a baby...

'We are.. I can't wait..'

You hang up the phone and a flood of emotions hit you. This is the same man that didn't want to have kids... Now he's excited... and this life you two have built together so far, it is perfect. You couldn't imagine it any other way.

He practically runs out of the elevator, getting to the nurses station as fast as he can.

'Hi uhm I'm looking for (Y/N) Quinn?'

"Oh yes we have been waiting on you! She's in room 249"

He turns and books it to the room, he hears her grunting through the door.. his chest tightens as he swings it open.

She says with relief

'Hey my girl...' he runs to your side 'So what's going on?'

I'm 9cm dilated, just waiting to get to 10 and start pushing... ahh!..

A wave hits you as you grip his hand tighter.

The Doctor walk in.. "Let's check and see if you are ready to go."

He goes to check and he turns to the nurse, "Go get everything ready. She is ready to go.. Get ready dear! Y'all are about to have a baby!"

Brian Looks at you and he feels the tears building behind his eyes.

Everyone begins to pile in the room, nurses begin to get the stuff ready in the baby area, others begin to prep trays for you. The nurses prop your legs up and Brian holds your hand. He sees a look in your eyes he's never seen before...

'You've got this baby..' he whispers in your ear.
You take a deep breath, look him in the eyes and lean up to kiss him.

"Alright honey, I need you to push.."

You pushed, and pushed and pushed..

30mins go by and you still haven't gotten the baby out.

"You are so close! Keep pushing"

You push as hard as you can!

"Good job!! Just one or two more of those and baby girl will be here!"

You Push..
"I can see the head!"
You Push!
And you instantly feel the release of pressure and in the blink of an eye your beautiful baby girl is sat on your chest. She has dark brown hair and she instantly cries.

'Hi baby girl!' Brian says leaning in to kiss you on the head.

After some time the chord is clamped and they take her to get cleaned up.. Brian and one of the nurses help you get cleaned up.

Once everything gets settled, Brian walks over to you with y'all's baby girl in hand... he curls up in the bed beside you. You three sit in silence...

Isn't she beautiful..

'Just like her mother..'

He leans in and you two kiss... for a long moment...

Then he leans down and kisses your daughter.

'I love our family'

I love it too..

He hands you the baby and wraps you in his arms.

A few years ago, if you would have told yourself you would be here... you would have never believed it...

Brian looks at you and his daughter, and this feeling in his chest... is something he has never felt before.

This life .. is perfect...

'Thank you for loving me....'

Loving Me (Brian Quinn x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin