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Reaching the exit was not the end of their struggle. They could not afford to lose hope or dwell on the end of the world. The infected were relentless in their chase, and the place was too dangerous to linger and wait for a rescue that would never come. They needed a way out, a strategy to survive. Was it worth fighting for their lives? They had to weigh their options. Maybe they had a chance? But Dwain was pessimistic, seeing the overwhelming odds. The infected were endless and unstoppable, but stopping isn't in their vocabulary. 

“Raaahh!”- Thump! 

“Eeeeeeeekk!”- Blag! 

“Raaaaaaaarr!”- Shank! 


Those sounds are being heard at the same time repeatedly, the sounds of surviving echoing all around the streets of Lorraine being made by the mighty four warriors as they run through the hordes.

Soon as they took street corners, they ended up in the small town radio station building, at which point it gave Dwain an idea. 

“That station, we could make a broadcast and ask for help!” he yelled as he ran and proceeded to it. He noticed it had wooden doors and it wouldn't hold them off from the amount of incoming swarm. 

The rest of them followed and finally reached their leader. The paramedic and the nun stopped and held off zombies from them, while Daeshim approached Dwain and checked on him.

“This door wouldn't hold us for long,” Daeshim stated as he inspected the door. 

The pair walked back as the horde becomes nearer, the paramedic followed Daeshim wondering why were they just standing there. “What's up?” He asked. 

Dwain replied. “This door's not that reinforced, they'll breach us in no time.”

The paramedic's brain cells kicked in upon hearing him. He didn't know why but his eyes were drawn by the whole place, until his eyes landed on a messed up and unattended hotdog stand on the sidewalks.

He rushed to it immediately and checked the cart. He was looking for something that would make up for the idea he came up with given that he's a paramedic in a fire department and finally after seconds of looking, he found a propane tank. He leashed out some exhales before carefully removing its hose and gained enough strength to pull it out from the cart then carry it. 

As Dwain and Daeshim stood beside the door, the pair jolted in surprise as glass shatters from the door window came next. It was a zombie from inside, the door thuds everytime the creature attempts to reach for them. Dwain raised his rifle and slammed the infected repeatedly using it. 

As he took the infected down, he heard a voice yelling at them, it was the paramedic running while carrying a canister. “Anyone have lighter, match, or sumthin'!?”

Dwain looked at him and watched the medic pass him and responded, “Nah, whatcha' doin'!?”

The guy yelled his answer, “Gonna buy us some time!”

The nun blasted rounds towards the horde, each zombie that would be hit fell off to the ground, she stopped shooting as she ran out of bullets. As she was picking up a mag, she would notice the paramedic running past her, carrying a canister until he placed it in the middle of the road, facing it to the direction of the horde. 

Then he turned the valve and made the propane tank release some gas as he heard some hissing from the leakage. He then stood up back as the nun was approaching him.

“Man, how will I light this shit up!?” 

He then felt a force behind that shoved him a little. It turned out to be the nun. 

(Book 1) Left 4 Dead 3: First BloodWhere stories live. Discover now