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Atop their motion, the paramedic noticed something, he would gradually recognize the road they were marching into as they moved.

And to make his thoughts sure, he glanced his brown eyes over in hope of finding anything that indicates their location, until they landed into a slightly bent street signage on a corner.

"Hey, I know this place..." He paused for a while as he glanced around more.

"Our station's few blocks away from here, we might could stop by yonda' fuh' supplies, what do y'all think?" Brenan suggested right after.

"Do you also store guns there?" Dwain jokingly asked.

"Uhh, no... 'course not. But we've got more kits and chucks there, ya' know... This journey's gonna take a coon's age so we'd need bigger bags too for 'em more shit," Brenan proposed.

Dwain thoroughly determined the medic's suggestion for a second. And with his partial meditation, he deemed upon that Brenan's proposal would be just fine for the team and nothing seems to go bad.

He gives Daeshim and Jess a glimpse and sees no signs of disagreement from them.

"A'ight lead us there, I don't think God's grace's enough fo' us these times." Dwain agreed as he turned his attention back to their way.

The group changed their course and passed a couple of blocks. They were walking through the distorted streets of the town when an unusual sound came out of the blue. It turns out to be a distant sound of a crying woman.

Dwain came to a halt and raised his left hand, implying to the group to stop as well. He then looked around as he tried to perceive where that sound was coming from.

"Hear that?" he assured the team.

Daeshim was able to hear the crying sound as well, "Looks like somebody needs help," the Korean male added.

"Dude I'm tellin' ya', that's some girl youldn't wanna comfort, man" Brenan advised as he recognized the cry.

Dwain paused again and listened more carefully at the distant sobbing as it became louder. "That ain't you sister?" he sarcastically added.

Jess automatically sneered her lips right after hearing those words from him, "Never cried in my whole life, I make people cry..." he coldly responded.

"You sure ya' never cried when yuh' born? Unless yer lacrimal gland's disabled then you'd look worse than 'em zombies," Brenan debunked her answer with a derisive but whispering tone, trying to diss her back.

Dwain then turned to the arguing pair and mouthed them off. "You guys just shutcho' mouths and find this poor lady," He ordered with his pitch slightly raised but soft.

Then he turned his head back to their way and got into his walking gesture when the paramedic insisted not to proceed.

"I swear, I wouldn't do that if I were you, sir," Brenan protested.

Dwain pressed his lips and partially closed his eyes for a second in annoyance as he heard Brenan's objection, and slowly turned his face to him.

"Why? what the hell's yo' deal!?" he asked in exasperation, the way he delivered it was with a higher pitch than his first phrases but soft like it was almost down to a whisper.

Not realizing that the sobs of the woman were getting louder, indicating that whoever was making that sound was now coming towards them.

But right between that little dispute, the two arguing would hear Daeshim's voice.

"Uhh... Guys?" the Asian male called them.

Dwain would notice that Daeshim's eyes were pointing their way, followed by the same reaction from Brenan after he diversed his attention and Jess raising her rifle aiming in the same direction.

(Book 1) Left 4 Dead 3: First BloodWhere stories live. Discover now