Chapter 3: Fire Station

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"That's it"

Dwain utters after Daeshim has finally found their team's channel in his radio. The Korean male then clipped it inwards his belt's left side and leaned himself against the wall for the second time.

Dwain grasped back his flashlight and proceeded back on searching for supplies around the bunker's darkness. It was already extremely scarce of resources when the group turned up, which somehow took the wind out of their sails.

"Full of weapons and supplies, huh?" Jess gloated at Brenan as she observed around.

"Man, I don't see no useful shit" Dwain added as he walks around.

"Those greedy bastards haven't managed ta' spare some fer us?" Brenan complained while lying on the table.

It grabbed Daeshim's ears, "Like they would have known we're coming" he voiced as he stood up and proceeded to Dwain's direction.

Brenan gets up and stretches his arms while face furrowed, he then just crosses his arms while watching the male pass by him before answering.

"C'mon man, ya' know it's just sarcasm", he utters before getting up and reaches for the medical supplies on the other set of tables near the second door wherein they are supposed to exit later.

Jess reacted upon the pair's banter while placing ammo rounds in some magazines she got earlier-and found their conversation nonsense.

"Doesn't sound like it," she put forth.

The nun then pushes her brows down as she catches sight of an object down to the darker and lower side of a shelf. It has a distinctive curved shape, seemingly made of brown leather.

As she walked towards and took a closer look, it turned out to be a sheath. Jess recognized that it was a bladed weapon which thereupon she became interested in right away.

The nun gently picked it up and held it dexterously for a few seconds. Then nice and slow, pulls the handle out and feels it slithering, until she reveals a rugged up but shiny machete.

Quick glances were thrown down to her reflection painted on the blade as she carefully pulls it out. Moreover, the weapon's image casts back to her eyes as she stares at the blade for a short matter of time.

Its trenchant and baneful form somehow granted Jess ample indulgence and preponderance to herself as she observed its shape and figure before putting it back into its casing.

Then slings the sheath's strap behind her and proceeds on the magazines again.

On his search, Dwain fetches up in a corner across a small room protected by a single and plain galvanized door.

He turned the knob attempting to open it but it was locked. He tried to shift his visions and flashes the torch at the metal shelves nearby thereupon to look for means to break through the room, but there was nothing useful aside from a handful of empty cartridges and tin cans.

As he had not found anything that could be used, Dwain came up with an idea.

The man uses his other arm and gropes his pocket to feel if he still has that thing he is looking for, he goes for the ones on his pants first then goes up to his uniform pockets, and he finally found the thing he needs, his wallet.

He then partially used his other hand as it was holding the flashlight-and grasped it enough for his other hand to pull his credit card out.

It is definitely useless nowadays anyway so he doesn't worry about it being scraped. He was about to fold his wallet in when he glimpsed another solid material aside from his credit card.

Dwain gently pulled it out, and it turns out to be a small family picture. It was him with his wife and only daughter.

The man sighs as he stares at the picture, he was still feeling extreme guilt from not being able to save them on time. The events were too swift and he still can't somehow process it until now.

What his mind is currently focused on was to lead this team to safety and to survive. He stares at the image one more while before moving it down to the rear pocket of his pants, whereas placing the wallet into his uniform pocket.

He went back to his objective and started working on the door.

"Can't beat the classics..." Dwain utters as he starts working on the doorknob.

He pointed the flashlight to the knob and slid the card into the vertical crack between the door and frame. Then insert the card into the gap between the doorknob and door frame, sliding it down next to the doorknob.

Dwain pushes the card in as far as it will go, and at the same time pushes the door back as far as it can go using his knee to see the location of the door frame more easily.

He was having difficulties synchronizing his acts, struggling to open that door, when he heard a voice coming from behind mouthing the phrases,

"What are you doing?"

He glances at the direction where the voice came from for a while, turns out it Daeshim. The athletic man put his light down and faced him,

"I need to know what's in this room but..." he pauses as he continues to work on the knob and gained back some air before proceeding " you can see I don't have a goddamn key" he replied and proceeded to work on the knob.

But Dwain thought thereafter that Daeshim could help so he looked back at him, and handed his flashlight to the male.

"Hold this so I can focus here," he commanded.

The Korean male did followed and approached Dwain, who was handing the torch over to him. Daeshim took the flashlight from him and pointed it to the doorknob so the latter could see what he was working on much better.

While Dwain continued on his objective, he tilted the card towards the doorknob this time, facing him towards the doorknob until it was almost touching it.

The man then bent the card back the opposite way, making the card slip under the angled end of the slant-latch, forcing it back into the door.

Next he leans on the door and wiggles the card back and forth to open it, but the door does not easily pop open.

He tries leaning against the door while bending the card back and forth a few times.

It added more pressure to the latch and finally opened the door.

Dwain placed his credit card in his pocket and pushed the door inwards, completely opening it.

Daeshim illuminated the room with the flashlight, whence revealing three crates stored inside, one of them was lying above the other two.

The athletic male went in first and walked towards the crates, his eyes inspected one of them and remained looking at its lock, supposedly opening it.

As he opened the crate, he felt some reduction of weight inside his chest upon seeing what's in it.

The Korean male then saw a switch right on the wall and turned it on, emblazing the whole room completely. He just revealed all the equipment stored in the room that would make their euphoria reach the peak.

The athletic male then heard another phrase from Daeshim for the second time, he was calling his name,


As he turned to see, he clapped his eyes on a familiar set of metals placed around the wall corner.

"Looks like we hit the jackpot" Dwain utters.

(Book 1) Left 4 Dead 3: First BloodWhere stories live. Discover now